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President Koroma’s step to a second term

President Koroma’s step to a second term

Like a world best in sportsmanship, President Ernest Bai Korma is striking his debut whenever his lips move to count his achievements and name them one by one. The astute politician is indeed working his purpose when he says “Fellow countrymen, this time we must stand firm, work the talk more than ever before”. By so say, the President is imploring Sierra Leoneans to step up to the limelight and work diligently to salvage our ailing economy.  (Photo: HE President Ernest Bai Koroma)

Sierra Leone is considered at many quarters to be a land of milk and honey but with the lethargy and backward attitudes, indigenes have suddenly plunged its image into something unprecedented.  Alas great men have come and played their respective roles but there has been no legacy, nothing to write home about at all.  President Ernest Bai Koroma sought his way into the echelon of governance and delivered a bountiful promise to redeem the starving nation that Sierra Leone was.  He vowed to administer the country like a business in accordance with contemporary politics and global concerns.  He targeted good governance, transparency and accountability where he scored an exemplary plus.  He demonstrated his hate for corruption and maintains a no sacred cow policy in order to push for the internationally acclaimed Agenda for Change, the standard of living of all and sundry.

He also showed that poverty in Sierra Leone can be reduced to a large extent in the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

Now more than ever before, we are half the way in attaining food security through his robust intervention in the agricultural sector.  Mr. President presses on in ensuring universal primary education, a reduction of the maternal and infant mortality rate, through his laudable free health care initiative.

President Koroma has also excelled himself in the energy sector by promising and truly restoring power supply to what was once known as the darkest city of the universe, not to talk about portable water supply facilities, and bringing in investors both foreign and local.  Who says our President can’t make it for a second term of office with an avalanche of successes and achievements in just four years in State House?  Give the man his duly owned second term and sit back and see what fortune the future holds for mama Salone. Yes the President deserves another chance.

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