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Misappropriation…Le 880 Million still missing

Misappropriation…Le 880 Million still missing

A sum total of Le 880 million presented to President Koroma in March of 2008 by management of Milestone Trading Limited for the construction of a contemporary market is reportedly fleeced.

It could be recalled however that the Sierra Express Media, on number of times, published stories questioning the Minister of Works, Alimamy P. Koroma (photo) on the subject of money he once received for the construction of an ultra modern market in Freetown.

Milestone Trading Limited, in March of 2008 oaths donating US$ 1.5 million to the governing APC party for the construction of standard market for traders in the city of Freetown.

The company nevertheless promised it will pay the said amount in bits as work progresses.

A sum totaling Le 880.000.000 (eight hundred eighty million) in cheque was presented to President Koroma in his office at state house, by the chief executive officer of Milestone Company, Dr. Nissim Ledy.  “This first installment is part of our pledge and would be followed by subsequent payments as the market construction project progresses,” Dr. Nissim said.

“It’s a demonstration of my company’s commitment to fulfilling its corporate social task to the people of Sierra Leone, and that, ‘when the market project would have been completed’ it will benefit society generally.”

Findings have it that the amount presented to President Koroma has practically not been used for its intended purpose, but rather misappropriated by the minister of works.

The cheque was delivered to the then Minister of Trades now Minister of Works, Alimamy P. Koroma.

Discoveries also have it that Management of Milestone failed to pay balance of the money as has pledged because government deceitfully did not go by the agreement as understood between the two.

When contacted Alimamy P. Koroma, he admits the said amount was meant for the construction of an ultra modern market’ for the people of Freetown, but could virtually not tell the whereabouts of the money; “it is either with Trades Ministry or with management of Freetown City Council.”

The Anti Corruption Commission (ACC), we are told, are of the fact that the Le 880,000,000 has long been chopped by top government officials, but sightlessly refused instituting an investigation as required for them.

A source has told this press that management of Milestone is unhappy with the way and manner the money was spends. More details next edition.

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