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Mr. Idiot: British Prime Minister upsets Mr. Idiot

Mr. Idiot: British Prime Minister upsets Mr. Idiot

Smart Mr. Idiot has hacked facts showing reasons why the British Prime Minister (sorry Gay Lobbyist) insists he will not give support to African countries that throw-out ‘gayism.’

Go ask the British Prime Minister if he is mindful of the fact that the sickness HIV/AIDS exists? And if it does, what’s it origin and why up till now it is still not curable?

The above questions are asked because the Idiot is of the opinion that ‘same sex marriage’ is one of the causative factors that lead to the spread of HIV/AIDS.

A minute though! Is David Cameron himself a Gay, or is he a lobbyist for Gays, or just a human right activist? To the Idiot, he is, but not any of the above anyway. Why truly has the British Prime Minister thoughtlessly tried imposing ‘Gayism’ to poor African countries? Why not the British Prime Minister meditate the ‘Sodom’ and ‘Gomorra’ occurrence in the bible, which among other things was engulfed with ‘same sex marriage’ and, which virtually saw God sending his wrath on people living in that part of the world for their overindulgence in such a sinful act.

Trust, David Cameron knows the Idiot is not happy with him for putting chains on the necks of African leaders, compelling them legalize ‘Gayism’ or ‘same sex marriage’ in their respective countries.

He is angry with him because he (Idiot) hates leaders who promote sinful doctrines the world over.

And for your information nevertheless, the leadership of the Association of Idiot (AOI) has resolved knighting David Cameron as Britain’s most Idiotic Prime Minister ever. The award ceremony is scheduled to take place first week in December. 

No disrespect to the British Prime Minister at all. But disrespect to leaders who irrationally, unreligious, unkindly and dishonestly behaved contrary to good practices; promoting the practice of ‘Gay’ thus going against people’s cultural and religious values.

But just wait the Idiot, he will unfailingly have to deal with you for going against God’s and people’s wills.

Kudos to President Attah Mills of Ghana, who stood his ground to telling the British Prime Minister that he will virtually not encourage ‘Gay’ practices in his country at all.

That’s good sir! The Idiot salutes you for your stance sir. And it has not come as a surprise that the President of Ghana has longed shut up David Cameron as he charged African leaders join him endorses the preached out ‘Gay’ doctrines.

Of course, Ghana, to the Idiot, is Africa’s pride. No way would a nation such a Ghana come down to the dictates of western powers because of donor funds.

Fellow Sierra Leoneans, the stage is all set for the Idiot. Now that the President of Ghana has told the British Prime Minister to his face that, his country will virtually not legalize Gay- donor or no donor; the Idiot is ready to disgrace some of our Sierra Leonean politicians including Members of Parliament, who may selfishly want to toe David Cameron’s ‘Gay like’ beliefs.

God’s grace, any politician observed unscrupulously supporting the British Prime Minister’s intentions having ‘Gayism’ imported into Sierra Leone under guise of ‘donor,’ will surely not made to go but face disgrace from the Idiot.

Thank God, leaks have it that President Koroma has secured a big sharp sword for any ‘Oyombo’ confronting him to discuss ‘Gay.’

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  • This goes to show that as corrupt as many African Nations are percieved to be( and some are indeed corrupt), they can take a stand when the need arises;against all odds!in the face of enticing offers and threats. I indeed am impressed.

    8th December 2011

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