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HomeFeaturedMr. Idiot: Mr. Speaker, the Idiot is disappointed at you sir!

Mr. Idiot: Mr. Speaker, the Idiot is disappointed at you sir!

Mr. Idiot: Mr. Speaker, the Idiot is disappointed at you sir!

Be it told to you Sir- Mr. Speaker of Sierra Leone Parliament- that the Idiot is disappointed at you. The Idiot is vexed because you’ve had unending time violating road traffic rules.  (Photo: Ibrahim Samura, Editor)

Mr. Speaker Sir, much is expected from you nonetheless. You are the head legislating officer sir, and should be seen a respecter of laws you and your Parliamentarians have been making.

I am sure you’ve been told however that the Idiot has hacked information surrounding your ill gotten or practically power thirst behaviours.

In case you’ve not been told, the Idiot is a fearless senseless, reckless, stupid, nonsense folk. And he says zero to you who says is the powerful.

Now, tell me sir, why has your vehicle forever on ‘emergency,’ without any cause ‘hooting’ horn to the annoyance of other users of the road, and unnecessarily ‘overtaking’ vehicles at the thickness of stalk up traffic at Pademba Road.

And for your information sir, the Idiot has been complained to the God of Idiots for not halting you discontinue discomforting other users of the road-  your habits of unnecessary ‘hooting,’ unnecessary ‘overtaking’ and unnecessary use of emergency lights.

It is as if the Speaker of Parliament is bent on sabotaging Mr. Idiot to his bosses. Of course, no talk about at all; those who know the Idiot, knows he is a ‘no nonsense’ man.

And if the Idiot is summoned for a disciplinary hearing by the God ofIdiots because he has neglectfully failed to caution the Speaker of his conducts, he will, on the other hand, not take it light at all but tell Di Obai to disrobe him (Speaker) of his responsibility, retire him as Justice of the high court of Sierra Leone and make him go without pay.

I am sure Speaker Stroung may not like that. So, be warned though! Now, my word to you Sir: ‘as a law maker, it is obvious you should respect the very law you make sir.’ I have said this because I have had number complaints from the public against you. But because I have had abundance respect for you, I was left without any alternative but to heedlessly not act upon the complaints.

Now that the powers that be (executives of the Association of Idiots) have sent a word of caution to I, Mr. Idiot that if I dare not caution you they will deal with me, it is also my wish warning to desist from 1, unnecessary hooting, unnecessary emergency and unnecessary overtaking of vehicles.

Call the Idiot a stupid Idiot sir. No wahala at all! But trust the Idiot, if you dare not desist violating traffic rules; unnecessary hooting, unnecessary use of your vehicle’s emergency lights etc, you surely not go free but pay for that darely. I stop here sir. A word for the wise is sufficient anyway!

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