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Sierra Leonean women in Saudi satisfied with developments back home

Sierra Leonean women in Saudi satisfied with developments back home

Sierra Leonean women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have expressed satisfaction with recent and ongoing developments in Sierra Leone.

“We are seeing improvements in the country at the moment that have resulted in the reduction of the mortality rate in the country. We appreciate the infrastructural developments of roads, bridges etc., all led by the President, Dr. Ernest Koroma and his government,”  were the words of a renowned female Sierra Leonean teacher based in Saudi Arabia’s commercial capital, Jeddah during celebrations marking the country’s 50th Independence anniversary at the Samrah Hall, in the east of Riyadh, a few days ago.

In her speech on behalf of women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at a well attended ceremony,  Safiatu Tunis(in photo), also thanked the first lady, Sia Nyama Koroma, her team and the rest of the citizens and the Government who according to her, ” are elevating the status of the women citizenry in Sierra Leone.”

Below is her unedited speech at the ceremony

Your Excellency Ambassador Wusu Munu and wife, Mrs. Zainab Munu, Head of Chancery/ Minister Counselor, Mr. Ibrahim Yilla, all the embassy staff, fellow citizens of Sierra Leone, our neighbors, Guinea and Liberia and the rest of the Diaspora, I greet you with the Islamic greetings “Asalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuhu!”

It humbles me to be called upon to say a word or two with regards to this birthday celebration of our middle aged Mother, Sierra Leone. We have heard great speeches from some of our nationals.

I would like to say we like some of the changes taking place in our country, with women being awarded with medals for their services to the nation. It fills my heart with joy to hear our mothers, aunts, sisters with professions ranging from petty traders, paramount chiefs, doctors to lawyers being appreciated for their hard work.

As Sierra Leoneans, we take so many things regarding women for granted that we don’t see the value for their services. Women have always played an important role in their societies: they are one of the most intelligent groups of species/ people on this planet. Women are the only people who can do multi-tasking and still remain focused on the bigger picture. It is women who sustain pain and distress while taking care of their households. We thank the first lady, Sia Nyama Koroma, her team and the rest of the citizens and the Government who are elevating the status of the women citizenry in Sierra Leone.

We know there are useful developments going on in Sierra Leone as we speak in particular the health services. We are seeing improvements in the country at the moment that have resulted in the reduction of mortality rate in the country. We appreciate the infrastructural developments of roads, bridges etc all led by the President Ernest Koroma and his government.

Although Sierra Leone is considered as one of the poorest countries in the world, but with all our meager resources, we are still trying to improve the lives of our people and I think there is light at the end of the tunnel. We are pleased that with his new “Agenda for change,” His Excellency President Ernest Bai Koroma and his government have created the Free Meal for schools campaign to fight poverty, hunger and illiteracy.

I believe with his determination and proof that “actions speak louder than words” we can reduce poverty, hunger and create a conducive environment for children to learn and grow.

No matter our differences in opinions, we should never forget that we were families and friends at one point in time.

Safiatu Tunis of Jeddah making statement on behalf of Sierra Leonean women in Saudi

It is with great humility and pride that I will say Bravo to all Sierra Leoneans at home and abroad for our courage over the past fifty years working as a cohesive nation. I am sure we can change for the better with hopes of a brighter future. Long live the people of Sierra Leone, long live his Excellency the President of the republic of Sierra Leone Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma!

Meanwhile, another female speaker, Fatima K. Sesay (below), based in Saudi Arabia’s national capital, Riyadh also presented a paper on the “Role of women in nation building”.

Fatmata Seasay talking about the role of women in nation building

In her presentation, she suggests that if women were given chance to take full part in governance, the country would have improved and developed better than it is today. She cites example of Kroo Bay, one of the slum communities in Freetown, now having a clinic for the first time when a female councilor was elected.

“Women in some of the local councils in the country now cater for the needs of their fellow women and the people in the region such as constructing schools in villages where there had never been schools, building public markets and establishing rice mills for women farmers which has improved their production of rice and subsequently their income,” Fatmata adds.

Therefore, she continues, if more women are given chances, “I personally believe that we are productive and helpful in both our private lives as well as in public.”

“Since democracy is all about numbers and women are more than fifty percent of the population, women in politics means greater impact in addressing issues that would benefit the people of Sierra Leone,” she concludes.

Alhaji Jalloh, Information Attache, Sierra Leone Embassy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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