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HomeSportsYearly Tournament – Boxing Association

Yearly Tournament – Boxing Association

Yearly Tournament – Boxing Association

The National Boxing Association held a grand meeting at the National Stadium on 23rd Friday October 2009 where the association discussed the yearly boxing tournament it plans to host.

Desk Officer of the Association Mr. Lebbie Sesay who gave the opening statement said this is not their first time of organizing this kind of competition which is going to involve Goderich, Tombo, Kissy communities culminating into the finals that are to be held at Victoria Park where a trophy will be given to the winner of the tournament. Officials say the competition will commence on the 26th November at Tombo and is expected to end on the 28th at the Victoria Park in Central Freetown.

The Chairman, Mohamed Lamin Turay told this press about the objective of organizing the competition saying the Association wants to get young interested men to join the organization and be given the opportunity to compete and make their marks as professionals boxers and be open to other opportunities in the world. He explained that the tournament is held to help find capable people that will be hired into the national team to represent the country in International Boxing Tournament.

National Secretary General of the Association Mr. Campbell said it is necessary to organize such a competition because it brings development into the Boxing Sport in the country as well as give opportunity to upcoming and interested citizens to have their take in the sport which he said is one of the most lucrative sports in the whole world. He stated that Boxing Sport needs to be improved the country and that such cannot happen without the input of the members old and new alike.

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