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Maada Bio is History: Can’t he see it on the wall?

Maada Bio is History: Can’t he see it on the wall?

It is out of date news that Maada Bio (in photo) is on the road to political oblivion — He is already on the endangered list of influential SLPP delegates. Now, however, even once loyal members of his campaign team are looking toward the future with uneasiness and are trembling with fear.

They worry that Maada Bio’s most well-known characteristics: violence and gangsterism may be fatal at the polls. Mr. Patrick Rogers, a staunch supporter of his campaign’s dwindling clerisy, is sorely vexed by an epiphany full of dark portents.

“I have come to the conclusion,” he proclaims, “that the delegates are saying now that just because you were part of a gang of irresponsible looters that chased out the awful Momoh’s APC out of power —actually, which was a perfect timing — isn’t good enough because he helped to rape the nation.

The Momoh government was agreeably a disgrace. But those wasted millions by the then Momoh government are chicken feed compared to the financial disaster and morale decadence that Bio and his cohorts dumped the nation into. They embarked on spending and looting in a frenzied record-setting spree. They were so futile in job-creation for the youths and saw unemployment rise to over 75 %, frightening in their motivation with Maada at the helm and dire in its financial implications (national bankruptcy) that even non-politically hardened technocrats and donors began to flinch and disappear with all the good intentions they initially had for the country.

Please save your chuckle; this may be serious political history in the making — perhaps the end of an epoch were coupist thought that civilized nations owe them for handing over power which they in the first place seized unlawfully through the barrels of their guns.

Like other insane political spendthrifts before Kinny Maada (and a few quisling unpatriotic sympathizers), he is habituated to throwing fears and uncanny words at every real or imagined imperfection in society, no matter how slight. He will complain and fuss about everything that is wrong but when he had the opportunity like he did, he squandered it. What makes you thing that he will deliver this time around. “Dar frog way nor get tale way e young, nor to way e ole e go get am”

If Kinny Maada is contemplating on using his meager resource to jump start his ambition, he needs to think twice. It’s not that financial largesse actually cures anything. Usually they don’t. But in Sierra Leone’s politics as we see some SLPP delegates doing now, what counts is putting cash in the hands of favored constituents who are expected to express their gratitude on Election Day – March 5. Remember, what goes around, comes around. The same way he duped the people of Sierra Leone will be the same way that the SLPP delegates will dupe him.

When Ernest Koroma took the reins of government, under the guise of a strong man tactics and perhaps because my grandma will say that words are cheap, Maada Bio airily declared that he will take over power again from the APC if the president failed to deliver. What an audacious challenge.

Sadly, what he failed to realize was that you can fool the people sometimes but you cannot fool them all of the times. Three years after these unfortunate faux pas utterances, his magical gift of staging a coup d’etat seems stalled. The peaceful citizens of Sierra Leone have put their worst days behind them and have since embraced hope for a better and prosperous Sierra Leone.

As was depicted in the recent Mabellah incidence where it is alleged that some supporters of Osman Boie Kamara were molested by Bio bodyguards, you can believe that violence is a disease endemic to Maada Bio, especially when he is surrounded by nincompoop renegades of the war, like himself who seem to have a nearly maniacal urge to bring instability and anarchy to the tranquil of Sierra Leone.

With other political spendthrift coupist already lying low, can Maada do the same, credibly claim responsibility and atone for his sins? Is he actually learning for the first time that his own ongoing profligacy is not a virtue? Of course not. But just in case he doesn’t know, the iron laws of common sense have long been blinking “Stop”! You are not wanted in Sierra Leone.

By Christian Foday Sesay Jnr., Texas News Correspondent

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  • i am looking for a job please tell me how i apply for the jobs in this hotel

    5th March 2011
  • Look, Mr. Sesay, with all due respect, you need to back off a little bit about the Madaa Bio political smear hegemony you have mounted against this man. In retrospect, judging from most of your craftily skewed publications you have espoused so far, it seemingly appears that you that your raining bullets are curiously aimed at the SLPP itself other thatn than Bragadier(Rtd.) Madaa Bio.

    I will say this for the records that I am not a supporter of Madaa Bio, but rather a stonge supporter of what the SLPP stands for in SL. It has come to my conclisive jugdment that your perpetual attack on Madaa Bio is a ploy to tarnish the entire SLPP party. Your proclamation in your recent article of February 11, 2011 about what Mr. Tucker intimated is outrightly incorrect and unprofessional as a jornalist. This can be proven to you if need be.

    You should however remember that your own personal integrity as a jornalist, immensely rests on most of the stories you send out to the general populace in SL about the SLPP flagbearers.

    In most of your publications, you have NEVER addressed the issue of the crimes and corrupt practices of the former APC, even before the advent of the NPRC. All of us were in Freetown at one time when our poeple, most especially in the provinces suffered at the hands of these “POLITICAL DEMAGOGUES”. Man, seriously, do you think our people have been “sleeping in their wings?’ Let us be very objective in our criticism about how things ontain in our homeland.

    I know this might be a bitter pill for you to swallow but we have to very realistic in looking at the way things obtain back home. Your incessant negative character assasination of a son of the soul of SL, someone who has been/was very passionate and instrumental in bringing an end to a 10 years war that saw the rights of men, women and kids violated should be commended for such brave and patriotic stance.

    At least, give credit where credit is worth and STOP!! this bias political ranting.

    yours David

    20th February 2011
  • Lamin
    I accept the charge of being biased and uninformed about the so-called political history of Sierra Leone for which you might be an accredited authority.
    One thing I konw for sure is that personal opinion is like an ass-hole; everyboby has one.What you cannot dispute is that Maada Bio regardless his inflated shortcomings is not the likes of Foday Sankoh, Mosquita (aka Sam Bockarie)Johnny Paul Koroma or Siaka Stevens. I’ll be glad to register online for your Sierra Leone Political Histry Class 101 any time.



    Houston Texas


    14th February 2011
  • Fatorma,
    I think you are either biased or does not understand the political history of Sierra Leone.The article written is a masterpiece! It is very objective and there is nothing in it that readers don’t agree with – be you an SLPP or APC fan.
    I completely agree that you shoot yourself in the foot when you said these,”The mistakes he made will guide him through in making conscious decisions should he win the presidency.Let’s leave him alone to make his case by appealing for your votes.You don’t have to vote for him if you think he belongs to the same category as Leather Boot and cohorts.Current inflation and high rate of youth unemployment are serious concerns that may determine the outcome of the next Presidental election and not Maada Bio.s so-called demerits.”

    I want you to realize that for you to be promoted to the next stage in life, your past has to be examined. Understood? The case of Bio is no exception.

    Also, in a democratic country, the people have a right to ask questions and raise concerns.President Obame’s birthplace was checked and questioned. His faith was doubted and questioned. His allegiance to the United States was scrutinized. But because the concerns were not true, he survived. Can Maada and his fans do the same thing? Answer burning questions that are been asked all over the place without getting bent out of shape. Until he does that, no serious minded Sierra Leonean will vote for him.

    11th February 2011
  • Have you ever asked yourself why Maada Bio is the only one been attacked out of all the other SLPP aspirant? No one hates him…the people of Sierra Leone are only bringing to light his excesses. The evil that men do lives with them not after them.

    11th February 2011
  • Ms Fatorma,
    I think you shoot yourself in the foot when you said this, “The mistakes Maada made will guide him through in making conscious decisions should he win the presidency. Let’s leave him (Maada) alone to make his case by appealing for your votes. You don’t have to vote for him if you think he belongs to the same category as Leather Boot and cohorts”

    The author brilliantly made a case against Maada Bio – a case no one can deny. As a Sierra leoenean and citizen of a free world, I think he has the right to ask questions and raise concerns over the leadership of his country. Let Mr Bio answer those important questions and concerns that the people of Sierra Leone have. He has a choice to answer them or not. But, the people of Sierra Leone also has the right to bring to light his past. If you don’t feel comfortable about his past been brought to light in a fair and objective way as was done in the article and most other articles in most of the online media, then advise him to get out of politics.

    11th February 2011
  • This thinking is redundant to say the least. Is this the new APC way of staging a fight with Maada Bio? APC had better looked first at the rubbish they have rendered the state of our country’s economy before they dare engage with other issues. Granted that Maada is as violent as you claim him to be but if i may ask, who is more violent in Sierra Leone thatn the APC? Was it not during Ernest Koroma’s regime that the SLPP office was twice vandalised with several women raped? How can the pot dare call the kettle black when its black colour is by far darker? If violence is your key criteria, then Maada is by far preferrable to Ernest Koroma. Christian, let not the ‘incentives’ blind you from reasoning subjectively, afterall, thats why you have a head. Stop making yourself look stupid in the eyes of the world. Just an advice, no insult.

    11th February 2011
  • Fatoma, going by the current inflation rates and youth unemployment you cite, if the SLPP puts forwards a chimpanzee for flagbearer in 2012, the chimp might beat Ernest Koroma. It is precisely because of the high chances of an SLPP victory (with or without Maada Bio) that are making people uneasy of giving him the chance to come back for NPRC Part 3.

    11th February 2011
  • For argument sake, let’s agree with everything printed about Maada Bio. Put your brain in reverse to take stock of some or most politicians serving in the present APC government.The NPRC Junta was endorsed as a people’s revolution.Due to the deplorable conditions of the country,even the International Communities followed suit through donations for critically-needed programs in the county. I am not a partisan but a patriot with big dreams for Sierra Leone. Like it or not, Maada Bio has once served as a Head of State in a military regime no matter how brief a moment. The mistakes he made will guide him through in making conscious decisions should he win the presidency.Let’s leave him alone to make his case by appealing for your votes.You don’t have to vote for him if you think he belongs to the same category as Leather Boot and cohorts.Current inflation and high rate of youth unemployment are serious concerns that may determine the outcome of the next Presidental election and not Maada Bio.s so-called demerits.

    11th February 2011

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