Sierra Leoneans help super hero
Over the last few months in neighboring Liberia the world’s first real life super hero has appeared. This real life super hero has been calling himself Lion Heart and has been doing many things to help Liberians in Monrovia and the nearby villages of Liberia. During the last few months he has even been able to get others to help him including some people formerly from Freetown. (Photo: Lion Heart, courtesy of Phillip Kanneh)
There are many things that Lion Heart does to help the local Liberians and many of the things he does could be used to help people in Sierra Leone, Africa, and even the rest of the world. One of the big things he teaches people who get water from local sources like lakes, is to boil the water before using it because one of the top causes of death is ailments from people not doing this. Many of the people he meets do not know they should be boiling water before using it. A Liberian villager Mr. Morris Kammara said, “Over the past four years we have had one death in our family resulting from diarrhea it might be from not knowing to boil water.“
Another important lesson he teaches is to cook outside. If you live in a modern home this is not a problem but most homes do not have proper ventilation and this is the cause for more deaths in the world then AIDS. Besides teaching people things to do that are preventive he also has already saved kids lives. Many children he saw were dying from dehydration from diarrhea which is the second largest cause of death in kids under 5 worldwide. He researched what to do and found that there is a simple solution to give to the kids of 1 litre of clean water, mixed with 1 teaspoon of salt, and 8 teaspoons of sugar. He has been able to teach this to parents with dying children and by the time he has left the village they were doing better.
(Photo: courtesy of Lion Heart of a family he taught to cook outside)
Lion Heart also teaches many other things that help the locals. He teaches about what to watch out for with child traffickers, how to improve farming techniques to help increase production. He is always learning more things to teach the people.
When Lion Heart teaches people he asks that they teach others. He has even taught some people specifically so that they can go out like he does and teach others. They do not go out masked as a super hero but go out as themselves. Some of the people he has taught are from Sierra Leone and he hopes they may teach others if they return home. Lion Heart said of his Sierra Leone helpers, “The people from Freetown have been a great help.” He went on to say, “These are good people. Our two countries have had problems in the past but we are neighbors and I am glad they can help and I hope someday to be able to help the people of Sierra Leone. We are all brothers and should all love one another.”
Perhaps someday Lion Heart or his helpers may come to help the people of Sierra Leone. His help would be beneficial for Sierra Leone as it has been for Liberia.
By Chris Ware
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Nancy Kollie
Bravo LH, I am proud of u and your followers. Keep up the good job. i have heard about your work few weeks ago.
God blessed.
19th January 2011