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FSSG pupils raise concern

FSSG pupils raise concern

After a long and protracted legal brawl, teachers of the Freetown Secondary School for Girls (FSSG) were finally evicted from staff quarters in the school compound while they still served as teachers of the school. Students of the school have raised serious concern over the way very hard working teachers are being treated with contempt.

Among the teachers evicted is a senior teacher and head of department Phillip Swaray. Inside sources intimated to this medium that it will be expedient for the school to be privatized as board members and the principle are doing the things that suit them and not the things that pleases the entire school family.

Sounding the minds of parents whose children are admitted in the school, they unanimously expressed grave concern and worried as to why government is yet to release a clear cut policy whether the school should go private or still remain a government assisted entity.

This press will be publishing the side of the principle and a member of the school board in our subsequent edition.

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