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Are we overspending, who will foot the bill tomorrow?

Are we overspending, who will foot the bill tomorrow?

His Excellency has just returned from a three day official visit to the Kailahun district. As is usual it is characteristic with our people, especially the chiefs to afford a fitting welcome to visiting dignitaries. The President received a very enthusiastic welcome everywhere which as far I could recollect was never extended to the former SLPP President in any part of the northern region. Not a single opposition APC member of Parliament ever turned up to extend the courtesy of a formal welcome.  (Photo: Dr. Sama Banya)

On this trip the President was reported to have commissioned no less than twelve projects including addressing the different communities. Indeed good leaders must always stay in touch with their people and President Koroma appears to be putting this in practice.

But this also raises several questions and based on past experience it is important to know who will ultimately have to pay the bill? In the 1970s and 80s particularly leading to the OAU summit of 1980, the country spent a tremendous amount of money on OAU and its related projects. It was left to an SLPP government twenty years later to settle the bills, a number of which were  in fact questionable.

According to eye witnesses the just concluded tour of the Kailahun district involved at least fifty official vehicles and others which must have been hired to convey spontaneous cheering groups. Being familiar with the road conditions to the areas visited, the roundtrip must have consumed at least fifty gallons of petrol/diesel for each vehicle. The pump price of a gallon of fuel is LE16,500 . It does not require a mathematical genius to calculate the total amount of 50 x 50 gallons at Le16, 500 plus allowances and maintenance. The country’s self proclaimed best math’s genius is professor peep. Would it be asking too much to expect the answers in next Friday’s edition of peep?

The question really is the necessity of such huge delegations on these internal trips. Would the sectoral ministers and their representatives on the spot not be enough? There was a newspaper report in one of the tabloids last week that the IMF and the World Bank had expressed concern at the continuing high rate of government expenditure; if this is true one wonders whether the National Revenue’s “record-breaking” collection is matching the rate of expenditure? It is one thing to spend on development, much needed as it may be, but it is equally inappropriate to spend “fiti fata” without any regard to tomorrow.

In its eleven years in power I cannot recall a single occasion when the retort to critics of the SLPP government involved personal insults to the individuals. Not even the Saturday morning UN radio’s participants in “Front page” were called names or their genealogy described in abusive terms as we experience today under the APC. The national chairman of the party is often described in derogatory terms. Such behaviour not only demonstrates absolute ignorance on the part of the perpetrators, but exposes them as lacking in the basic principles of civilized and accepted norms. Both local supporters of the APC and their so called Diasporas members appear to ravel in the strongly objectionable practice. As I keep repeating on these pages, such behaviour does not cut ice with Puawui. That brings me to the point raised by Olu Gordon that he was not the author of Philip Neville’s recent vicious attacks on me. But he is not ashamed to propagating the falsehood often lacing with the typical Olu Gordon flavour.

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  • There was an old saying in Sierra leone and was like a slogan for an indigenous insurance company. and it says ‘WHEN ON EVERY BAD MOUTH A PADLOCK IS HUNG, THEN THERE WILL BE THE GREATEST PEACE ON EARTH’. I wanted to call you Dr. Banya as a sign of respect but you are a Gossiper, a disgrace to my educated countrymen and one of the ‘Cankers’ of that beautiful country. Philip Neville story about you was too accurate and there was nothing like lies aginst you. Infact I deeply believe that you have done more satanic harm to your lovely people in Kailahun than Neville’s story. You can’t sabotage the good works of E.B.K. He is a God fearing leader. The Money you are accusing his govt of spending is for the good of Sierra Leone. He doesn’t pay or hired thugs like rebels to kill his people. He goes out with his able lieutenants- his right-hand able persons to seek for the benefit of our Sierra leone. Banya stop this nagging, Get a life, find something else to do . leave Ernest and his Government alone. Your time is over. Look at Neville’s photo of yours in the Standard Times, You look so old and emaciated. Accept the fact yah. lonta.

    28th October 2010
  • pls pls pls can someone tell this pa to shut up!!! Did he nt know that development comes at a cost..they want the APC to adopt the same pattern..”it was in the pipeline” we no longer want pipeline development but actually and literal development. the cost of developing sierra leone is one we all have to foot.by the way, they did nt print more money so stop commenting wrongly.cheers

    28th October 2010
  • OH PA WHO ,Live salone to develop and let the people set themselves free. EBK is a people’s president support him wholeheartedly .It being a long time in history we haven’t got, a working leaders. We have got the mean,the arrogant , the dictator and the puddles but not a people’s president .So dont be over zealous ,oh i was going to say jealous. Human’s eerh.

    27th October 2010
  • Excess expenditure and printing more money is reflected in rate of exchange which is running at $1 = Le4400.In short the public will foot the bill by paying more and more for the basic food items

    27th October 2010

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