From the desk of Abdul Bero Kamara, President elect of APC Washington DC
On behalf of my campaign team and myself, I would like to thank each and every person that came out on Sunday September 12, 2010 to participate in the democratic process of electing a new executive body for the APC Washington DC chapter although it was a tough battle; nonetheless with God on my side I emerged victorious. (Photo: ABdul Bero Kamara, aka Chief)
My Supporters
Words could not express my gratitude and appreciation for the time and effort you sacrificed in order to get me elected as the president of the great Washington DC chapter. You did a fantastic job to put a good fight against another strong opponent. Thanks for your sleepless night and your precious time you gave to make me win the election. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
My opponent Mrs. Yabom Thaslim Sesay-Koroma
You fought a good fight and I did admire your tenacity and courage to fight to the last, I knew it had been your heart burning desire to become the first female president of our great chapter; unfortunately your dream seems to have eluded you. I hope and pray after my term expires in two years I will help to fulfill your dream. Don’t lose hope and keep the spirit burning. Aluta continua!
Members of the Great Washington DC Chapter.
Again I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your commitment to come out in large numbers in order to participate in our democratic process. This is a clear manifestation that 2012 is a foregone conclusion. To my fellow veterans of our great chapter, my appeal to you all is that, please do not relent, and do not give up as 2012 is just around the corner. Be mindful that the fight has just begun, and we should be unstoppable from now onwards as we march to towards Jerusalem.
By and large, for the fact that the election is over and I won free and fair, let us put aside our differences to work for the common interest of the part we profess to love. As the president elect of our great chapter, I would like to unequivocally state that we all won and there was no loser.
This election was a litmus test that could have determines whether it was necessary to have an electoral commissioner from APC NA with the responsibility of monitoring chapters election, unfortunately the action of the so called electoral commissioner during the Washington DC election was a disaster. In the light of that fact these are my recommendations
To the APC NA: The electoral commissioner position should be abolished, Instead members from within the executive should be asked to volunteer to serve as observers in all chapter election
The role of any observer(s) from APC NA should be clearly defined in black and white
To the outgoing President ret. Colonel Idriss Kamara: Thank you very much for bring this chapter from ground zero to glory; we do appreciate the great transformation that you brought to the Washington DC chapter. With your great leadership skills our chapter is still the strongest within the union in terms of membership.
To all the ones who would be trouble makers: Finally, in as much it is true that politics is about number game, I would like to caution any would be trouble maker regardless of your tenure of service with the party; this is not the time around. I will promise you that under my administration I will not entertain obstructionism, or any activities that will be inimical to the progress of the chapter, and the party at larger, and I promise to make sure there will be no sacred cow in my administration.
Finally, these are some of my goals for the chapter during the next two years:
- First, I will do every thing in my power to unite the chapter.
- Second, increase the membership to five hundred by 2012.
- Third, to raise 100,000 dollars to support the party back home for the 2012 election.
- To raise funds to support our would be parliamentary aspirants in 2012.
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abibatu bangura
Pls help know the real winner of the Washington A.P .C Presidental election.Where can i read the electoral commission’s report?
20th September 2010