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Salone Kid Condemns Child Trafficking

Salone Kid Condemns Child Trafficking

Edmond Alim Fofanah, the national president of the Kids Advocacy Network in Sierra Leone has condemned the negative practice of child trafficking in the country and has said that government should arrest all those responsible for the act. He called on the international community to come to the rescue to save the children of Sierra Leone from wicked exploiters whom he said have no pity for the life of other people’s children.

The kid’s advocacy president made this statement during a two day workshop organized by the Ministry of Social Welfare Gender and Children’s Affair in collaboration with UNICEF, in commemoration of the convention on the Right of the Child.

According to Master Fofanah, kids are the greatest resource of Sierra Leone, and the future of the country lies with them. He went on to state that together with Mr. Jabez, chairman of the Kids Advocacy Network advisory board,  they are working to see child trafficking end in this country.

“It is bad to traffic children. If they are trafficking us who will be the future leaders,” master Fofanah asked and  demanded that the Ernest Koroma government must show responsibility in working hard to stop the practice and to punish those already found guilty.

“Government should be committed and work seriously to ensure that the practice is stopped immediately and I am calling on magistrates to punish all those who are involved in child trafficking, as shown in the Convention on the Right of the Child signed in 1990 and the Child Right Act in 2007,” he stated.

“I am advising all child traffickers to find another means of employment or of making money and stop the trafficking and contribute to national development,” he concluded. Master Fofanah is a pupil of the Albert Academy.

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