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2011: N-Delta youths’ll resist moves to stop Jonathan, says PDP Chieftain

2011: N-Delta youths’ll resist moves to stop Jonathan, says PDP Chieftain

Benin-The immediate past Edo State representative on the Board of the Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC, Mr. Mathew Iduoriyenkenwen, has warned that Niger Delta youths, will resist any attempt by “a cabal in the North” to stop President Goodluck Jonathan from contesting the 2011 presidential election.

He said, “God will use Jonathan to break the jinx of zoning”, which according to him, had denied the nation good leadership in the past years.

The People’s Democratic Party, PDP, chieftain, who spoke to newsmen in Benin City yesterday, argued that since President Jonathan has come up with new policies as regard revamping the nation’s power sector and roads, he should be given the opportunity to fully implement the policies by allowing him to contest.

His words, “you realized that the Federal Government is making so much effort to ensure that electoral promises are met.

The government had for instance engaged the issue of power frontally, which is very important to the growth of the nation’s economy.

When that is achieved, we need to sustain it, so that it will not crumble. Therefore, it has become imperative for President Jonathan to seek election into the office, so as to carry on with his programmes. One year is not enough for him to achieve anything meaningful.”

“Should he even achieve something in one year and you have a situation where someone else will come in and the person brings in an entirely new agenda, we will find ourselves in a situation where we will be taking 10 steps forward and 20 steps backward.

I think God is using this Jonathan’s case to permanently solve the problem of power shift and rotation in this country. I believe that God also wants to use it to tell us that irrespective of where you are from in this country, you can aspire to any office of your choice without any cabal stopping you.”

He added, “after all, Barack Obama was elected today because of his qualities and not because of the color of his skin or where his root comes from.

So I think that we are very matured now as a nation whereby offices especially that of the President should no longer be given to people based on where you are from. God is going to use Jonathan to break this jinx, so that only the best materials occupy sensitive offices for the betterment of Nigerians.”

By Simon Ebegbulem, Nigeria

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