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FCC, an embarrassment to the city

FCC, an embarrassment to the city

Massive criticism has been heaped on the Freetown City Council over their new strategy of collecting local tax in the city. A group of citizens who spoke to Sierra Express Media earlier this week expressed their grievances, complaining in the first instance the reason council disassociated the Accountant General from deducting the five thousand Leone from all Government workers salaries and that the recent manner of stopping and checking vehicles plying the city for local tax is nothing but an embarrassment to residents of the capital as the delay in the long queues caused them to late for work or in places of business.

They advised council to change that particular method of collecting tax. They also expressed concern over the inconsistence in the issuance of the new tax receipt books as many aggrieved members of the public noted that the 2009 tax period should expire in September 2010. They said even when they tried to explain to the metropolitan police officers that the 2009 tax receipt has not yet expired, the officers failed to show understanding.

They ended by saying they are doing their own part in terms of paying their taxes, therefore council should implement tangible projects, not projects that only exist in black and white.

They also requested to know on whose money is the Deputy Mayor and his delegation traveled to China and on what mission?  According to their understanding, the Deputy Mayor is in China for six months.    

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