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July 2012

Recently there was fury in some quarters when rumours quoted a serving minister as saying that chicken was more expensive than a woman in Sierra Leone. But what struck me the most from the resultant

Freetown: Their Excellencies, the Ambassador designate of the Republic of Austria and the Nigerian High Commissioner designate to the Republic of Sierra Leone presented their Letters of Credence to President Dr Ernest Bai Koroma at

The dust of the funeral rites of the President’s mother is slowly settling down as everything seems to be back on track with the same old politicking and backstabbing. Some journalists, even in the midst

Senegal must abide by today’s decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and prosecute the former president of Chad Hissène Habré on charges relating to large-scale human rights abuses during his time in power,

As the conflict escalates in many parts of Syria between government forces and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and other armed opposition groups, Amnesty International reminds all parties that it is imperative they respect the

The National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS) Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Commission on Friday 20th July, 2012 concluded a one day training of civil society monitors on the implementation of the Revised National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2011- 2013.The

Ahead of the Olympic Games, the first athlete in Sierra Leone's history to qualify for the Olympic Games, Ola Sesay, said that she is "prepared to put Sierra Leone on the map," in this year's

The Electoral Offence Court was officially launched by the Honorable Chief Justice of Sierra Leone, Umu Hawa Tejan Jalloh on Thursday 19 July 2012. Dr. Christiana Thorpe said, "Mr. Chairman, My Lady Chief Justice, Honorable Attorney

Latest reports reaching this press have indicated that one of Sierra Fishing Company (SFC) vessel's named West Africa 7 and 8 damaged a shark net belonging to Pa Alhaji Kargbo in Tombo. The incident happened on

Chief Superintendent, Ibrahim Koroma of the Eastern Police Division at a meeting held at the station's conference room on Friday July 20th 2012 with the Local Police Partnership Board declared general cleaning of Hagan Street

Mr. Abdul Kamara, a trailer driver with registration Number AED 233, of 19 Scotland Street, on Friday July 20th,  collided with two motorbike riders at Kissy Road at around 10:00 pm.   According to the  driver,

John Foray Banting, LLB Honors II, Ebunolowa Finda Tengbeh LLB Honors I, and Evelyn Mannah LLB Honors of Fourah Bay College University of Sierra Leone will November of this year represent Sierra Leone for the

The number of Sierra Leoneans bagging Ph.D.'s in North America is increasing. A greater number of Sierra Leonean immigrants in the continent have continued to graduate with doctorate degrees across different disciplines in recent years. 

Following the spate of political violence in Bo City were the flag bearer of the main opposition party, the Sierra Leone Peoples Party Julius Maada Bio was stoned on his head resulting to head injures,

The official welcoming ceremony of the Sierra Leone delegation to this year's Olympic Games was a colorful event over the weekend as the Sierra Lone High Commissioner to the UK, Eddie Turay, and staff from