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In what many refer to as a David versus Goliath battle, five political parties including National Democratic Alliance (NDA), National Progressive Democrats (NPD), United National Peoples Party (UNPP),

The National Secretary General of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) has told Sierra Express Media that the convention that was reportedly held at the YMCA New Hall at

The former honorary consul to Spain, Alhaji Ahmed Jalloh has disclosed in an exclusive interview to Sierra Express Media that he is not happy with the allegations made

Senior officials of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) including the National Secretary General, Mr. Mohamed S.  Jalloh, the Organizing Secretary, Mr. Sahid Kamara joined youths of Constituency 92

Culled from Sierra Express media (June 12, 2012) and courtesy of Sierra Leone Telegraph publication (JUNE 11, 2012) With the dark and ominous clouds of bad policing and

Whenever the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) is mentioned, its leadership comes to shadow, if not in mind. The beautiful combination was the undertone when Alhaji Wurrie Musidal Jalloh,

Eight political parties have merged to express resentment over the delay in justice in the High Court matter that led to the slamming of an interim injunction restraining

The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) are currently expensing the word “disenfranchisement” a fracture of the dense use of another word “democracy” and “democratization” proceedings. Acts that infringe upon the

National Democratic Alliance (NDA) party’s newly appointed running mate, Mohamed Sidiki Kabba has described his appointment as a blessing for the continued peaceful coexistence of the suave of