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Former President of the Republic of Sierra Leone has on Wednesday 30th September 2020 reacted on the continual harassment and intimidation meted on him by the Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) led government of President Julius Maada Bio since he peacefully handed over power back in 2018.

The former president made this revelation in a press release dated 30th September 2020. He was also reacting on the commissions of inquiry and the government white papers. He said “I have learned with utter disappointment about some of the defamatory contents of the reports of the Commissions of Inquiry and the White Paper thereto pertaining to some of the activities I undertook while exercising my official functions as president of the republic of Sierra Leone. I have also noted with utter dismay the government’s hostility against me and some officials who served in my administration.”

The former president stated that the allegations staged against him by the current government lacks merit and are politically motivated charade calculated to impugn his hard-earned reputation, adding that he is of the believe that the relentless heckling around him has reached undue and unacceptable levels that amount to political harassment.

EBK as fondly call stated in his press release “It is unfortunate that the government has chosen this route to unduly tarnish my reputation because of politics. Such ridiculous political witch hunt does not only scare good and well-meaning citizens from getting involved in governance; it also has the propensity of undermining peaceful democratic transitions on the continent as current leaders following these unfortunate events in Sierra Leone might find it difficult to readily hand over power, especially to opposition parties.”

He said on his part, as he always support the fight against corruption and the quest for accountability in public office, he will muster all available legitimate and democratic means to robustly defend his reputation which is being tarnished so mindlessly. He ended by saying that he will defer to his lawyers to look into the reports, the White Paper and series of maligning actions being instituted against him; to advise his next course of action.

It could be recalled that the government of President Julius Maada Bio has published the White Paper on the recommendations of the commissions of inquiry on the 24th September 2020. In the White Paper, the former president Ernest Bai Koroma and his administration was accused of corruption and misappropriation of public fund during his tenure as president of the republic of Sierra Leone. The White Paper recommends that the ACC investigate the former president on activities he undertook during his tenure as president.

On the 30th September 2020, the ACC went to the resident of the former president in the northern city of Makeni to invite him at the ACC for questioning in relation to the White Paper.    

By Emmanuel I. Kamara

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