Sierra Leone Government, security services, and diplomatic community pay respects at King Tom
Cabinet ministers, chiefs of the armed forces and security services, Ambassadors and High Commissioners, paid their respects at King Tom cemetery on Saturday as part of the Armistice Day remembrance services. (Photo: Foreign Minister Alie Kabba lays a wreath)
The event included a blessing from the RSLAF Padre and Chief Imam; readings from British High Commissioner Guy Warrington, British Defence Adviser Commander Paul Carnell, Warrant Officer Class 2 Christopher Bannon, Major Robin White, and Richard Hills from the Commonwealth War Grave Commission; and officiating was done by the Parade Sergeant Major and Staff Sergeant John Harper.
The Foreign Minister Alie Kabba and the Deputy Defence Minister Simeon N Sheriff were among the many to lay wreaths at the memorial.
British High Commissioner Guy Warrington said “it is important to remember that to uphold the freedoms we enjoy today sacrifices were made by millions of people across the world.”

Silence is observed at King Tom

A British officer salutes the Deputy Defence Minister before the Minister places a wreath

Defence Advisor Paul Carnell salutes the memorial
The gentleman in the middle is one of only two surviving members of the Sierra Leonean Burma expedition during WWII. He cut the memorial cake with the youngest officer in the British military in Sierra LeoneUK Foreign & Commonwealth Office
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