Bio is Broke – SLPP will fail 2012!
One of the few misfits vying for the presidency of the country under the ailing flagship of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP); Julius Maada Bio is feared to be broke by many of his close confidents, a situation those that are close to him think he is using the 2012 campaigns as a means for his financial recuperation.
“From what we have seen, Bio is not anywhere in the region of what he posses to be. In fact anyone knowing the later story of NPRC Hurl-Lord will obviously come to terms with the fact that Bio is too broke to be able to saddle the mantle of the SLPP come 2012!†a party top noted exclaimed.
News breaking from the top echelon of the Sierra Leone People’s Party asserts that whilst Maada Bio has already been handpicked to run in the 2012 general election the reality is he (Bio) could not afford to fund even the internal preliminary campaigns leading to the coming party convention due next year. Information has it that this development forms the basis of the unprecedented Le50 million charged on any candidate vying for the SLPP flagship in the coming party convention.
Members of opposing candidate camps who talked to Sierra Express Media complain that Maada Bio’s candidacy is being implanted and orchestrated by the party executive and at the same time meant to exploit other candidates in favor of the Bio camp.
“We see the Le50 million development as a way of not just implanting bad blood in the rank and file of the party but a broad daylight cheating to foster the Bio campaigns†a rather disgruntled party member said during a fact finding trip to the party office at Wallace Johnson Street Freetown
The party executive of SLPP it appears is yet to get its house in order and is failing to draw lessons from the in-fractures that resulted in the PMDC splinter in 2006 and present indications are that more rifts are bound to show-up in respect of the neglected interest of various unfairly marginalized candidates for the upcoming 2011 convention.
Whilst many aspiring candidates will eventually be eliminated for 2011 SLPP convention, it is widely expected that they will take along their support which will eventually leave the SLPP to battle with for its own very survival once again.
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