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HomeSportsSierra Leone Leone Stars Beat Kenya 2-1 in Freetown!

Sierra Leone Leone Stars Beat Kenya 2-1 in Freetown!

Sierra Leone Leone Stars Beat Kenya 2-1 in Freetown!

Sierra Leone have started on a good note with their opening match for the 2018 qualifier of the African Nations Cup after beating Kenya 2-1 at the jam-packed Siaka Stevens Stadium in Freetown on Saturday 10th June 2017

Contrary to rumours of ill health, President Koroma cheered up his players as they dribbled tirelessly to penetrate the Kenyan defence!

At the end of the encounter, the Leone Stars threw the Kenyans who remain a major power house in East Africa!

Presidernt Ernest Bair Koroma cheering on the Leone Stars

However, football analysts remain skeptical about the Leone Stars chances of surviving what has been tagged as the group of wolves that include Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, and of course Sierra Leone who have only qualified twice for the finals since the tournament was introduced nearly nearly 4 decades ago.

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