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Imprisonment Awaits Rumor Mongers, Information Minister Threatens

Imprisonment Awaits Rumor Mongers, Information Minister Threatens

The Minister of Information and Communication, Alpha Kanu, has threatened that prisons or correctional service centers are awaiting those rumor mongers and detractors who are hell-bent on scandalizing government’s effort to ease transportation in the country. Such detractors, he warned, should desist or will soon be guests of the well prepared rooms in the Sierra Leone Prisons.

The minister was addressing journalists yesterday, July 23rd, during the weekly government press briefing in the Conference Hall of the Ministry at Youyi Building in Freetown.

The minister described rumor mongers as people who explore internet to produce wrong information to the public, threatening that such mischievous and unscrupulous politicians who do not want to see the progress of this country will one day find themselves behind bars.

‘’The document about the one hundred government procured buses produced by the Chairman and Leader of the Alliance Democratic Party (ADP), Mohamed Kamarainba Mansaray, who is a non- party flag bearer, is a rumor created by himself through internet and such misleading information has placed certain people in an uncomfortable situation,” Alpha Kanu stated, concluding that he was awaiting the Parliamentary Committee on Transport to go through its findings before he could make any further comment.

By Abdulai Mento Kamara

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