New Procurement Laws for Sierra Leone
Parrot is pleased to announce that brand-new procurement laws have been enacted in Sierra Leone to ensure improper, fraudulent and emergency procurement of national assets. This new procurement laws were proposed by the Minister of Transport and Aviation, not subject to the approval of parliament. The new procurement laws are as follows:
a) Any Ministry, Department or Agency procuring any national asset must not do so with the approval of parliament. Involvement of parliamentarians in any big procurement process has been strictly banned. Parliament must only be involved after the whole process to ensure maximum non-transparency and non-accountability.
b) The new laws strictly prohibits parliament from participating in the negotiation of a big national loan. This is meant to prevent parliament from obstructing the process of such huge loans. Parliament must only approve such loans after they have been secured and utilized to ensure maximum corruption.
c) Disclosure of unit cost of any purchased national asset has become a punishable offence equivalent to years of incarceration. However, disclosure of total cost is allowed. This is meant to avoid maximum transparency and accountability which are not in the best interest of our agenda for some prosperity.
d) Any Ministry, Department or Agency must now purchase national vehicles from ammunition factories; they have proven to be the best manufacturers of vehicles which break down as soon as they are commissioned. This is in line with our Agenda for More Poverty.
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