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Wife Stabs Former Husband to Death

Wife Stabs Former Husband to Death

A stone-hearted woman called Zainab Kamara, is reported to have stabbed to death her former husband Obai Bangura. (Photo: Zainab Kamara-why did you stab to death your former husband?)

The gruesome incident is reported to have taken place on Tuesday, July 15th, at Masoyila in Lungi, Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom Port Loko District.

Sources say the quarrel that culminated in the stabbing and consequent death of Obai Bangura sparked over their 3-year old son, Alie Bangura, who had been in the care of the murderous mother, Zainab, following the separation of the couple.  The deceased, Obai Bangura, reportedly returned Zainab to her parents on the grounds that she was very disrespectful and insulting to him and she would rain invectives on Obai’s parents whenever they quarrelled.

The story continued that even after returning Zainab to her parents, Obai was still monitoring Zainab and the child.

On that fateful day, Obai went to Zainab’s domicile to forcefully take away after being informed a week earlier by Zainab that the child was not feeling well.  Zainab reportedly went berserk and started raining unprintable invectives on Obai, asking him to vacate her premises.

Obai Bangura - stabbed to death by former wife

Obai Bangura – stabbed to death by former wife

Detective Police Constable 8711 Stevens J .K., of the Lungi Police Station is one of the officers investigating this matter.  He explained to this press in an interview, how Sallieu Kamara – a cousin to Orbai, witnessed the incident when he went to buy some edibles in readiness for observing the Holy Month of Ramadan.  The man found the former couple quarrelling and he tried to let them keep their cool even though none adhered to his advice. In the physical confrontation that followed, Sallieu said Zainab was almost over powered by Obai when she bumped into an object she used to stab her former husband.

Detective Police Constable 9108 Allieu Bangura, who formed the battery of investigators in this matter said, Obai Bangura was stabbed on the left side of his chest. Either the act was so professionally done or the wound was very much serious Obai could not feel or notice it until when blood was seen oozing from him. He suddenly fell and was rushed to the Lungi Government Hospital where he passed away barely 10 minutes later, even before he could attract the attention of the medics.

According to the None Commissioned Officer in Charge of Criminal Matters at the Lungi Police Station – Jabbie S Toronka, Zainab Kamara has since been arrested by the youths of the area and turned in to the Police. He said she will be charged with the offence of Murder contrary to Law.

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