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His Excellency is not amused!

His Excellency is not amused!

The owner and publisher of the Awareness Times newspaper Sylvia Blyden has often described the erstwhile administration of former President Tejan-Kabbah as a “Mumu” government. Sylvia has always maintained that there was so much that the SLPP government achieved and yet nearly all remained shrouded in a cloud. The people, the real beneficiaries were never told about them. It was similar to what Christ advised against, that one should not light a candle and keep it under a bushel; on the contrary it should be placed on top of a high hill so that it is visible from  all directions. The former Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General, the Tanzanian diplomat Ambassador Mukuagwan once told former President Tejan-Kabbah after a tour of various parts of the country, that the government’s achievements were remarkable. He wondered why they were hardly publicized. Of course the SLPP’s achievements were either completely ignored by the majority of the press or they were down played. On the other hand one only needed to tune in to the UN radio’s Saturday morning “Front Page” and they could be heard as if racing each other as to who would poor more scorn on our achievements. As I have pointed out in the past, many of those who participated in that programme or in support of the then opposition APC  have since collected their reward with diplomatic postings as press attaches’ to our various missions. One would have thought that their primary objective was to rebrand Sierra Leone, though into what I have no idea. Perhaps with nothing to write about we often read about visits to our ambassadors by their colleague or when they visit the restroom. Recently we read that our man in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was on a private visit to the United States but had been warmly received by his counterpart in our UN Mission as they met to rebrand Sierra Leone. That rebranding included a tour of the Mission.

When it comes to President Ernest Bai Koroma, the state house press attaché and his assistants will take some beating in their praise of their boss. Even his ministers fall over each other to join in the chorus in praise of Ernest. In the last few days we have read of his Excellency’s visit to Dakar to witness the unveiling of a gigantic statute to African history and culture. If I heard the BBC’s correspondent in Senegal correctly, there were many African heads and former heads of state. But according to our press people among that huge crowd it was President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone who caught the attention and praise of the crowds. Yes, it was reported that some even broke rank to catch a glimpse of our dear Ernest. I agree that we must love our own, honour our own, “batu” our own, but aren’t Sheka Tarawalli and his friends at state over doing it? I read last week that even my friend Alpha Khan has gone round in describing President Koroma as the greatest Sierra Leone leader since Sir Milton Milton Margai and Siaka Stevens. That provoked a rejoinder from another person who claimed and maybe quite rightly that the description fits former President Tejan-Kabbah best. President Koroma is mid way in his first term so why cannot we reserve our assessment of him for  2012? Besides lofty flamboyant slogans and praise singing are often different from the reality on the ground. Ernest is his own best propaganda machine; the journey is long with so much still ahead. I understand that when the famous Queen Victoria was over exposed in like manner, she would respond, “Ladies and gentlemen, her majesty is not amused.” My own dear nephew am I correct in reading your mind that “HIS EXCELLENCY IS NOT AMUSED?”

Congratulations to Sorie Fofana “Manjoroka” and his team at the Global Times  news paper for their first anniversary and for a job that they continue to do well.

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  • The writer of the last coment should have debated his pieces and thesis within him self before posting it. Only the fools will seek advice and guidance from an other known fool. Not refering to the President, but I think the writer should have looked at the suffering our people are going through in Sierra Leone and compare that to other regional countries before his statement. Sierra Leone is one of the only countries in Africa where citizens go to bed hungry. We should be asking our self, what is the president doing to feed Sierra Leonean, curb tribalism and stand firmly against his EKUTAY brothers?

    22nd April 2010
  • I will agree with a few points Dr Banya has made, but he will have to accept that His Excellency Dr Ernest Koroma is the youngest and brightest intellectual Leader of Africa.
    The astutness, the intelligence, the eloquence of His Excellency Dr Koroma in unparralleled.See him talking in UN, ECOWAS,AU,OIC or any other International Fora, he mesmerises the whole audience, and we feel proud to be Sierra Leoneans.All the regional Heads of State run after him to seek his guidance and advices for good governance in their Countries

    8th April 2010

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