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ACC enlists Sakumnoh community in the fight against corruption

ACC enlists Sakumnoh community in the fight against corruption

In its quest to garner support from rural communities towards the fight against corruption, the Northern Regional Office of the Anti-Corruption Commission has on Saturday 17th May 2014 engaged members of Sakumnoh Section in the Bombali Shebora Chiefdom.  (Photo: The people of Sakumnoh at the community meeting)

The engagement was an awareness raising meeting on rural community partnership in the fight against corruption.  Speaking on the role of Sakumnoh Section in the fight against corruption, ACC’s Senior Public Education Officer, Al-Hassan Sesay underscored the importance of rural communities in the development of Sierra Leone. He said some people or organizations may want to take advantage of the remoteness of rural communities to exploit them and involve in corrupt practices that was why the ACC was making frantic interventions through its public education campaigns.

The Senior Public Education Officer told inhabitants of Sakumnoh Section that the sensitization was part of ACC’s public education approach in fighting corruption. He informed them about their roles and responsibilities regarding the fight against corruption so that they would not be used as prey by corrupt individuals and organizations.  Sesay used the occasion to solicit their support, noting that Anti-Corruption Commission alone cannot successfully end corruption in the country. “The fight against corruption is a fight for all and should not be left in the hands of the Commission alone”.

Dilating on the importance of making reports, the Senior Public Education Officer reminded them of their civic responsibility to report any acts of corruption to the Commission. He entreated them to always resist, reject and report corrupt practices to the Commission. He explained the various ways of making reports and protection of informants.

In his presentation, ACC’s Regional Manager, North, Patrick Sandi said ACC was an institution for the people of Sierra Leone aimed at ensuring that the socio-economic needs of all citizens are realized. He observed that for the lives of citizens to improve and Sierra Leone to develop, it depends on the efficacy of ACC that was why they must support the Commission. He told the people of Sakumnoh Section that the country relied heavily on donor support and for such support to flow, the donors must have the confidence that they would not be misappropriated. He therefore called on them to take up the challenge in fighting corruption in their communities and be loyal in the fight.

Manager Sandi informed the people of Sakumnoh Section that the Anti-Corruption Act does not only cover government officials but everybody including the private sector. He enumerated some corrupt practices relating to the school system and the Free Health Care program. The Regional Manager further highlighted some corrupt practices in Chiefdom Administration, Local Courts and some sectors of the communities that are obstacles to the development of the chiefdoms and the country.  He used the occasion to encourage those involved in corrupt practices to desist and do the right thing. “Corruption is very stubborn, that is why it requires collective approach. If we are honest and dedicated to the fight, our lives, our children’s lives and those yet unborn will be improved and Sierra Leone will be a paradise” he concluded.

Earlier, the chairman of the meeting Bernard James lauded the efforts of ACC and registered his community’s unshakable resolve to fight corruption in all its forms. He appealed to the Commission to be proactive in responding to their complaints as it would increase public confidence in the work of the organization.

Questions and answers session formed part of the meeting.

ACC Makeni

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