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Local Government Ministry embroiled in Chieftaincy row

Local Government Ministry embroiled in Chieftaincy row

The declaration ceremony for aspirants for the Paramount Chieftaincy election in Maforki Chiefdom, Port Loko was on 6th November, 2013 unceremoniously cancelled at the eleventh hour by the Deputy Local Government Minister, Hadiru Kalokoh after all the thirteen aspirants and their supporters had assembled for the ceremony at the Port Loko Town court barray.  (Photo: Deputy-Minister-Local-Governement-Hadiru-Kaloko)

This development infuriated aspirants and their supporters who threatened to go on the rampage, dethrone the Regent Chief, Pa Alimamy Kamara and burn down his house but for the timely intervention of the Member of Parliament for Constitution 49, Honourable Alhaji Serray Dumbuya with the assistance of Hon. Isata Kabia of Constituency 50 among other stakeholders.

The MPs appealed to the aspirants and their supporters to exercise restraint on the promise that their concerns would be forwarded to the President for action.

According to Hon. Alhaji Serray Dumbuya, the irate supporters of the aspirants threatened to cause mayhem to indicate to Government that they cannot be fooled all the time as they accused the Deputy Local Government Minister, Hadiru Kalokoh of favoring one of the aspirants but that he appealed to them to be law-abiding assuring that the process would be free and transparent.

According to Hon. Serray Dumbuya, he has informed indigenes of Maforki Chiefdom, including the Political Affairs Minister, Alhaji Ibrahim Kemoh Sesay, Information Minister, Alhaji Alpha Kanu about the incident and that they promised to inform the President.

Hon. Paramount Chiefs Bai Sallu Lugbo of Bureh Kasseh Maconthen and Kandeh Kalawah of Gbendembu Ngowahun Chiefdoms respectively witnessed the event.

The aspirants also accused the Ministry of Local Government of not being consistent for cancelling the declaration on several occasions and manipulating the process in favour of one of the candidates.

They continued that the change of dates after they would have made elaborate preparations has caused them to lose huge sums of money disregarding the fact that the Chiefdom has been without a Paramount Chief for seven years.

By Abdul R. Bedor Kamara

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