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EBK should sign performance contract with “predator investors”

EBK should sign performance contract with “predator investors”

and not with institutions that are of no use to our socio-economic development

Our President on 31st July signed performance contracts with the heads of thirty-eight public sector institutions, including agencies and tertiary institutions at the Credentials Hall, State House, in Freetown. During this ceremony, medals were awarded to best performing institutions.  (Photo: Mohamed Kunowah Kiellow, author)

The Environmental Protection Agency, for example, took gold as top performer in this category Agency. It is sad to know that our government compensated an agency that has not contributed in any way to protecting the environment in Sierra Leone. This agency does not have any idea as to how to handle the looming environmental disaster in Sierra Leone. Moreover, I am wondering if the performance contract is of any use if worst performing institutions are not sanctioned. What is the punishment for institutions that performed badly? Or is our President just trying to fool us into believing he means business while his actions are not contributing at all our socio-economic development? To my mind, our President should stop spending money on projects that are not of benefit to us in any form. Our President should concentrate on the plight of employees of the “predator investors” in the country.

When Our President came to power in 2007 he “promised” us that he would rule Sierra Leone as business enterprise. Indeed, he did not mince his words: Sierra Leone became a business paradise for “predator investors”. He made laws that would “protect” or “encourage” “predator investors”. In short, his government “protected” the employers

One thing that our government, however, did not do is protecting its own people-the employees-from these “predator investors”. Our government we brought to power didn’t do anything to protect employees in Sierra Leone. The Government has not changed the archaic labour laws that have caused a lot of economic and social suffering in Sierra Leone.

In 1997 a law was made that stipulated 21,000 Leones (a little over 5 USD) per month as the legal minimum wage (http://www.sierra-leone.org/Laws/1997-1.pdf). That law still exists today. Our government has not made any efforts to change that law. The main effect of this low minimum wage is that employees are being paid deplorable salaries that will not even provide decent life for them and their children. Moreover, this low minimum wage has contributed in no small way to the rampant corruption that has gripped Sierra Leone.

Our Government should concentrate more on projects that will better our lives and not on the ones that will only benefit a few. Our President should sign performance contracts with the “predator investors” and not with institutions that are of no use to our socio-economic development.



By Mohamed Kunowah Kiellow, UK

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