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CHRDSL press for answers and demand accountability

CHRDSL press for answers and demand accountability

When Sierra Leoneans voted for President Koroma and his APC , 2007 and the recent one in late 2012 they did so aspiring for a government based on the essential values of human rights, equality, freedom, democracy, accountability, social justice and the rule of law this is a critical moment in our history. It is during this period of transition to a new government who was elected on the basis of an agenda for change. The second term of office and the new system of government agenda for prosperity, was expected to bring about real change and prosperity in the lives of ordinary Sierra Leoneans who gave the government a resounding mandate at the elections in order to ensure that the values and principles that form the very foundation of our nation must be protected and upheld. The principles of good governance and rule of law are the cornerstones of a democratic state as supported by a corrupt free state.

We at CHRDSL are deeply concerned about the revelations contained in the recent audit report for 2011 by the Audit Service Sierra Leone, which was well attended at the house of parliament in Freetown. It is with utter dismay that the people of Sierra Leone have learnt that those entrusted with the running of the economy of our country have failed us by the reckless manner in which they have handled our financial affairs.

It is even more disheartening to note that not a single Government Department or Agency of the Republic of Sierra Leone including the office of the president and vice president have received a clean bill of health in relation to financial malpractices.

Abdul M Fatoma,CEO, CHRDSL

Abdul M Fatoma,CEO, CHRDSL

The Financial audit of the Public Accounts, compliance audits of Ministries, Departments and Agencies as well as schools and vocational institutions, Public Enterprises and Commissions all show a worsening and precarious financial position from the year 2008 to date. All this institutions violated state policies with impunity and without proper documentation or authority, thereby leading to massive, fraud and corruption. It is a national disgrace for Sierra Leone money to lose so much money at a time of austerity and most importantly at a time when the country is hugely reliant on donor funding. The President has been on record that it will not be business as usual in his second term of office. It is expected that the President will follow up those words with actions by addressing with appropriate urgency, the findings of the Audit Report in the shortest possible time and bringing to book those responsible. We are therefore calling on the Government of Sierra Leone to look into this unaccounted sum amount of Le110,914,263,391 as estimated by the audit service to the full extent permitted by law The concern of CHRDSL is that if this trend continues and no action is taken urgently to enforce the rule of law with appropriate punishable actions, our people will continue to suffer and the image of our country would be brought into further disrepute.

CHRDSL further calls upon all government workers and contractors, in the executive, and the legislature, as well as all institutions, public and private and all other Sierra Leoneans, individually and collectively, to be the watchdogs in our democracy to ensure transparency and probity in our country.

Abdul M Fatoma, Chief Executive,  Campaign for Human Rights and Development Sierra Leone (CHRDSL)

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