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As UBK and YDK Return Home…“We’re on the right path” EBK says

As UBK and YDK Return Home…“We’re on the right path” EBK says

His Excellency, Dr Ernest Bai Koroma has described the All People’s Congress (APC) as the party of the ordinary man and woman. He made this declaration in his capacity as Leader and Chairman of the APC on the occasion of the home-coming of Alhaji Usman Boie Kamara and Alhaji Yayah Deen Kamara as well as hundreds of others at the APC Headquarters on Saturday 9th June.

President Koroma also said that since the APC was born of humble beginnings the party had always remained committed to the cause of service to the people of Sierra Leone, while adding that the APC was on the right path in its quest for sustainable development and transformation.

After officially welcoming and presenting membership cards to Alhaji Usu Boie Kamara and Alhaji YD Kamara, the Leader and Chairman of the ruling APC maintained that these great men joined the party because they were convinced about the work the APC was doing in the country.

The indomitable father of the nation and Fountain of Honour disclosed that when he took up the mantle of office in 2007, he rolled out the “Agenda for Change” to do the things that were supposed to be done to move the country forward. “From 10 mega watts of electricity supply my government inherited, the energy supply today is far better than yesterday; from bad and deplorable roads to the construction of dual carriage ways (four lanes); from poor infant and maternal mortality to halving the ratio”, he said.

The Leader and Chairman of the APC also noted that the government cannot thump its chest that everything is bright and beautiful in Sierra Leone today, but “we are making progress and we are on the right path as even the International Financial Institutions, including the World Bank and IMF, are rating us in remarkably promotional terms. Our economy is projected to grow by 35%, the highest worldwide. This is a step and it is good news for all Sierra Leoneans.”

President Koroma was very much confident about the fact that his score card was an open book. “Ours is a not a government of workshops and consultancies…now that we are painstakingly and meticulously implementing projects all over the country, they are crying that they had the intentions. We are now providing leadership, focus and courage, and nothing will distract us from that”, the Chief Executive declared.

Alhaji Usu Boie Kamara opened his statement with a quote from Dr Martin Luther King Jr. which says, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” He maintained that his participation in active politics was as a result of his concern for the welfare of the poor people of Sierra Leone.

The former SLPP runner-up for the flag bearer contest emphasized the fact that SLPP was not working in line with its avowed motto of “One Country, One People”, a reason why he would not be doing justice to himself if he adopts a laid back attitude to the challenges facing the country. He pledged his unflinching support for President Koroma as well as declared enthusiasm in joining the APC, describing the APC under President Koroma as Noah’s Ark where every Sierra Leone should take refuge.

Usu Boie as he is fondly called also quoted from Suratul Al Imran, verse 54 of the Holy Quran, which states, “And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers.” This was attributed to the diabolical plans of the SLPP to expel him from the party, not knowing they were doing him a favour by bringing him closer to President Ernest Bai Koroma.

Alhaji Yayah Deen Kamara called for a minute of silence for the souls of the founding fathers of APC who stood for freedom and justice and equal opportunities for all. He described President Ernest Bai Koroma as a man of vision, courage and character. Alhaji YD Kamara who is fondly referred to as the Father of Muslim Youths, called on all Muslims to support President Koroma for a second term. He clarified that he was not a returnee but someone who merely went on a journey.

The home-coming ceremony itself was evidently a trail blazer amidst a crowd that was incontestably very large in size as well as pageantry in their excitement. The entire city was awash with red and white, the APC’s official colours.

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  • I thought the Chairman of NEC Dr. Christiana Thorpe announced that there is should be no political campaign before the slated date that she will announce even though we are just 6 months to election. If the week end show by the Ruling APC party was not campaigning then what else is political campaign. We have photos of bus load s of APC supporters trans[ported from Places as far as Bo, Port Loko and Makeni to grace the occasion and the Political Party Registration Secretariat, NEC and Civil society groups all do not have the guts to condemn the ruling party for floating the electoral laws of Sierra Leone. In Sierra Leone the laws for one political party is different for the others.

    11th June 2012

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