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Maada Bio storms Holland

Maada Bio storms Holland

Former Head of State and Flag bearer of the main opposition Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP ), Rtd. Brigadier Julius Maada Bio, accompanied by a high powered delegation from the Netherlands started his tour of continental Europe in France where he spoke briefly to Sierra Leoneans.  He then moved on to Belgium Brussels.

Hundreds of party supporters and sympathizers from neighbouring countries sang party song to welcome him.

Delivering his speech, Maada Bio thanked everybody for making it to the gathering. He encouraged them to continue their support for the party and his campaign, and said that their support would not go in vain.

In Antwerp, Belgium, Maada Bio was mobbed by supporters eagerly waiting to see  him.

“ I am very much happy to see this gentleman as it has always been my dream to either see or touch him. ” Mariatu Karama shouted.

The Chairman SLPP Belgium chapter Mr Yayah Sheriff thanked  Mr. Bio for his visit.

Mr. Bio’s  convoy of  15 SUVs finally reached Holland Eindhoven headquarters of SLPP continental Europe; he was greeted by hundreds of supporters from Holland, Germany, Sweden, and Italy.

The Chairman of the SLPP German Chapter, Dr Sannoh, thanked Mr. Maada Bio for his visit to Continental Europe and extended an invitation to Rtd Brigadier Julius Maada Bio to visit them in Germany.

Mr. Bio thanked everybody for coming and stressed, “There is only one thing I will promise, and that is good governance.”

Mr. Bio is expected to stay in Holland till Monday before he leaves for Sierra Leone.

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