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African-Inspired Risk Training Film “Wows” Audience at BAFTA Launch

African-Inspired Risk Training Film “Wows” Audience at BAFTA Launch

On Thursday 23 February, over 60 senior managers, chief executives and risk management professionals gathered at BAFTA in central London to mark the launch of Risk Edutainment – ‘Moremi’TM, an innovative risk management training course developed by Joachim Adenusi, executive director of Inspirational Risk Management Solutions (IRMS).

The event opened with an engaging tale of risk and reward delivered by Usifu Jalloh, one of Africa’s finest storytellers, in an entertaining mix of singing, drumming and storytelling.

This was followed by an educational speech on risk from top industry professionals Chris Charman, current Deputy Chairman of the Institute of Risk Management, and John Thirlwell, a renowned speaker, writer and authority on operational risk in banking and related sectors.

At the heart of the event was the premier of the much-anticipated Moremi’TM film – a 45-minute “risk edutainment” production which uses the fictional story of a threatened city and its citizens in ancient West Africa to teach principles of risk management, governance and leadership in a business organisation.

Following the screening, one attendee expressed pleasant surprise at the film’s relevance, saying: “Finally, a real world example of risk that is not directly financial!” Another remarked: “This film is excellent, inspiring and a great training tool – an extremely innovative way of communicating and embedding risk management culture in organisations.”

Speaking at the launch, Mr Adenusi described his passion for “exciting risk” as the motivation for his unique training course. He said: “Moremi is designed to inspire, enthuse and make risk management interesting, engaging and fun! The idea is the result of my passion and desire to see risk management viewed not as a boring subject, but as a tool to assist organisations and individuals in making effective decisions.”

The launch was also attended by two charities supported by IRMS Ltd – The SOZO Foundation (www.sozo.com), a South African educational charity, and Compassion UK. A percentage of the profits from the Risk Edutainment training workshop will go to both charities to help provide a safe and healthy environment for children to learn.

Risk Edutainment – ‘Moremi’TM is now available to all organisations with plans to launch the programme in at least four African countries and the USA later this year.

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