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HomeBreaking News42 Counts… Sierra Leone Mayor Escapes to Banjul

42 Counts… Sierra Leone Mayor Escapes to Banjul

42 Counts… Sierra Leone Mayor Escapes to Banjul

City father, His Lordship the Mayor of Freetown, is reportedly on the run; leaving behind 42 count charges of corruption related offences.

Factual disclosures say however that Mayor George Herbert Williams left the shores ofFreetownforBanjulowing to leaks that there is designed an Anti Corruption arrest warrant against him, and has been indicted with 42 counts of corruption charges.

It has been disclosed to this medium that officials of the ACC are all set; in anticipation of the arrival of the Mayor to, with authority, indict and frog-march him to the well of the High Ccourt on account of his alleged stealing, embezzling and fraud of billions of public funds.

Even though management of Freetown City Council insist that Mayor Herbert left Freetown early last week for South Africa on an official function, it has been credibly told to Sierra Express Media that his disappearance was observed shortly after news concerning his arrest trickled to his ears.

Cyril Mattia, who acts as public relations officer for the Freetown City Council, confirmed to this press that his boss, Mayor Herbert, is out of the country on an official assignment inSouth Africa.

He said however that he is uninformed of an Anti Corruption arrest warrant, and is also ignorant of his boss’s (Mayor Herbert) alleged fleeing (escape), but said he was told lately that the Mayor will be traveling to South Africa to attend a conference there.

Crosschecking from City Council’s Chief Administrative Officer, Bowenson Philips, he confessed his boss, Mayor Herbert, is indeed out of the country, but failed telling which country he traveled to and the purpose of trip.

“Samura,” he said, “I am in the midst of people, and I cannot talk to you now.  Can I call you later?”

Disheartening nonetheless was the fact that the Bowenson Philips later switched his phone off, and was never again reached.

It was confirmed by the Anti Corruption commissioner, Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara that Mayor Herbert and a number of workers are blameworthy of corruption charges and may face charges soon.

Asked whether he is aware that the Mayor has run away and is in theGambia, he said no, but confirmed he left the shores of Sierra Leone days ago on an official trip.

“Anyway, will cross check that,” the ACC big man said.

“The Mayor and a sizeable number of City Council officials are to be charged, but will not tell number of counts now.”  

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