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FCC workers want salary paid …says mayor must go!

FCC workers want salary paid …says mayor must go!

It has been brought to the notice of Sierra Express Media that unpaid City Council workers want Mayor George Herbert Williams impeached and put on trial for financial mismanagement.

Workers of the City Council Tuesday 15th stormed the premises of Sierra Express Media to utterly surrender their displeasure against the Mayor and senior management of the Freetown City Council over non payment of their salaries for six months now!

The workers identified themselves as persons attached to respective departments at the Freetown City Council.

They however disclosed that on the eve of the just celebrated Eid-ul-Adha Muslim holiday, the Mayor of Freetown promised to pay them their salaries, but ended up giving them a skimpy sum of Le 50,000 each as holiday token.

 “I am a father with four children. I have other extended family members with me. How the Mayor expects me take care of inmates under my patronage, knowingfully I have not been paid for six months to date,” a protester who asked for his name not to be mentioned said.

“How for goodness sake can the Mayor be seen living an extravagant and buoyant life, yet allow persons working for him to suffer in torture and torment.”

Adding, “its our resolution to take things on with management of Freetown City Council if salaries (six months) owed us are not paid come November ending.”

Leaks have it that the Finance Ministry has had time slicing monies from budgeted quotas of a number of government Ministries which, according to our sources, are paid into the coffers of the Freetown City Council to enhance them to look after the sanitation and hygiene of Freetown.

It is also disclosed nevertheless that monies remitted into accounts of Freetown City Council by the Finance Ministry, have practically not been used for the intended purposes, but rather appropriated and put into pockets of unscrupulous officials.

Quite recently, the Minister of Health Madam Zainab Bangura, in an interview with radio 98.1 FM said the Ministry of Finance has, on number of times, sliced billions from allocations assigned to her Ministry to augment the Freetown City Council.

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  • Slowly but surely we are seeing the last of a dying breed of, heartless, brutal ,unfeeling, wicked,selfish, corrupt,demonic,murderous,deceitful,disingenuos,god forsaken tyrants that weild so much power over our beloved and truly beautiful nation.
    My heart is broken every day when i think of the little children who daily break rocks for a miserable pittance,at risk of serious injury and death..the tables are turning..don`t worry about tomorrow, God is allready there…

    11th August 2012
  • The worst Mayor of our time!!! Shame on him.

    17th November 2011

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