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Mr. Idiot: Who caused the Bo unrest?

Mr. Idiot: Who caused the Bo unrest?

No sleep for Mr. Idiot last night at all.  Just when the Bo investigation report was forwarded him, he wasted no time and quickly browsed through the content.

To his surprise however, he was shocked observing that the team has had time to blame the ruling APC for stoning Julius Maada Bio on the head and the SLPP for burning buildings owned by the APC, but failed to rather identify the causers.

Yes, perpetrators have to be charged for principally involving themselves in the unrest! Fine idea! But trust the Idiot, it is ‘off-putting’ though that in spite of revelations that, prior to the Bo unrest, incidences of political meetings between politicians and some Bo youths secretly took place, the report never identified who these politicians are and what was the purposes of the alleged meeting, rather it only asked for the conduct of a further investigation on particularly allegations surrounding the Minister of Internal Affairs, Musa Tarawally, whom according to number of witnesses, was spotted in Bo just about a day to the unpleasant incident.

I repeat, count the Idiot out at any rate! Remember in his last discussion, he told all including persons appointed to investigate the Bo saga that he will surely and uncompromisingly not keep in the shadow of dark, anomalies observed in either reports- Bo shootout, Kono shootout.

Wait a minute! Can the Idiot be told the whereabouts of the Kono report, since he is yet to access a copy?

No need waste time on that at all.  If he is not given a copy, he is smart enough to get one himself, “sweh to Di Pa E Yai.”

As for the police, it has been made clear that they’ve had no operational plan ahead of the proposed Julius Maada Bio ‘Thank you’ tour in some parts of the country.

Could this not be attributed as gross, gross, gross wretched recklessness of those who suppose to be this country’s internal security apparatus?

Of course, I am proud being an Idiot. And for sure, as an Idiot, I am very stupid nonetheless; far below moron and imbecile.

But thank God, as an Idiot, I have not behaved as irrational and senseless as the police in Bo – No operational order, no central command and officers were just shooting at random nay the resultant killing of an Okada rider and the shooting of about 19 unarmed civilians.

No surprise at all that the police boss, a man the Idiot knows better was observed occupying studios of radio stations to say garbage, junk and trash in justification of a force many now called a ‘shoot and kill’ police force.

In fact, the Idiot is but clued-up and well informed that the head of the operational security division (OSD) in Bo is an illiterate man- some called him Yetae-Yetae- meaning ‘Small Small,’ who practically cannot read better or write better and so, cannot at all write operational orders in any case.

By his looks, it is unavoidable that you will of course, have no fear to utterly describe him as a man once grabbed from a farm house in the interior of Sierra Leone to be trained as late President Steven’s Special Security Division (SSD) officers aka Shaki Dogs.

Who says, Mr. Idiot said it? That’s how people used to call them. So, who then is the Idiot not call them such a name.

Anyway, and don’t you dare tell the Idiot that the police are not among persons to be charged to court at all.

Time allowed, the Bo report will be thoroughly examined and analysis published for public consumption.

No other person, but the senseless, stupid and unintelligent Idiot will surely have to do that! Trust him!

The fact that the report has made it clear that there was virtually no planned operational order put in place by the police in Bo, is an indication though that it was inescapable they would never have prevented the violence from happening.

Click on the image below to view and interpret it yourself; if you like attribute the drawings to whosoever you think each stands for.

The Idiot wants to know whether the police are part of the list of individuals to be charged to court. He also wants the investigators tell him who are the causers of the Bo unrest though.

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  • Mr. Idiot. You are one of the trouble makers in our country. How dare you calling the head of Bo USD boss as practically an illiterate man who cannot even read better or write better and once picked up from a farm to become a security officer, and at the same time calling their Police division as ‘Siaka Stevens Dogs’. Why?. This is wrong as a journalist. A whole lot of these security officers from their division have lost their dare lives in protecting you and our country with no good terms and condition of work and they have bravely quelled chaotic situations in our cities and towns, fought rebels and a host of other hostilities they have confronted for the peace of our country and you are here in your air conditioned office(if at all) calling them dogs.This is very inhuman of you Mr. Idiot. The world at large knows how desperate your party (SLpp)is to get back to power but this is not the correct method of achieving a political comeback by inciting violence against your fellow human being or making them objects of ridicule as been unfit for public office and unfortunate not to gain decent educational background. I reminded you the last time that some men/women were born with silverspoon. so stop looking down low on your fellow men. You and your coherts might be lucky to be holders of masters or Phd degrees but you could also be silly with nothing to boast of (no money, no house of your own) What did you called those hard working illiterate brothers and sisters in the farm fields and traders on the streets of our country? Of course you know very well that these are our current landlords and landladies renting our degree holders and elites of the country. What is really wrong of being a farmer or trader? These are the world’s richest individuls and you Mr. IDIOT here inciting trouble in our country Sierra Leone calling good people funny names, drawing cartoons degrading them all in the name of power struggle with dirty politics but be aware that prayers are offered daily for our currrent Government for God’s guidance with all their good works. Who Jah blessed … No one cursed. Beware and remember Shakespare’s sayings “Men at sometimes are masters of their fate”. If you can’t help your fellow man, do not make him an object of ridicule. By the way, Mr. IDIOT. How long do you think you will live in this world? with all these sinful game of politics you preaching around. Once more beware, life is too short. Use your knowledge wisely Lonta

    11th October 2011
  • what was Bio’s Ds? ”injury/injuries ”is /are an extensive concept in medicine.

    10th October 2011

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