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Deputy Commissioner presents new Eastern Regional Manager in Kenema

Deputy Commissioner presents new Eastern Regional Manager in Kenema

The Deputy Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission Morlai Buya-Kamara has on Friday 5th August 2011 formally presented the new Eastern Regional Manager, Miss Evelyn Walker to staff and some alliance partners of the Commission in Kenema.  (Photo: Morlia Buya-Kamara Deputy Commissioner, Anti-Corruption Commission)

Presenting the newly assigned manager to ACC staff in Kenema, the Deputy Commissioner said the move is part of the restructuring process taking place in the Commission aimed at making the Commission more efficient, effective and robust in its approach to addressing corruption and to ensure that the regions become more capacitated in terms of personnel and logistics and their operations decentralized.

Buya-Kamara noted that the Kenema office is the Commission’s baby and that the Commission will do all it takes to support its operations. He said that Kenema is fortunate to have Miss Walker as the first and only female Regional Manager in the Commission.

He lauded the efforts of the Acting Manager Mr. Peter Baio Kamara who has ably managed the office since the erstwhile manager Mr. Michael Sesay was recalled back to headquarters in February and thanked staff for the support and cooperation they have given to Mr. Kamara and expressed his hope that they will do the same to the new manager.

Evelyn Walker, Eastern Regional Manager Anti-Corruption Commission

Miss Evelyn Walker is grounded on the operations of the Commission and has been in the Commission for about ten years as an investigator where she rose to the rank of Chief of Investigations, a post she held until her appointment as Regional Manager.

Evelyn was presented to the Resident Minister East Mr. William Juana Smith, Provincial Secretary, Paramount Chief PC, Amara Bonya Vangahun of Nongowa Chiefdom and the City Council the Assistant Inspector-General of Police East and the Local Unit Commander of the Sierra Leone Police, Kenema Division. The Deputy Commissioner stated that the ACC has enjoyed the support and partnership of stakeholders especially in the East and maintained that such support and partnership is always needed by the Commission in the national fight against corruption, and used the opportunity to solicit the sustained support and partnership of the stakeholders.

By Mohamed Sylvanus Blake, ACC Kenema

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