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HomeNational$61million WATSAN projects for Bo, Makeni and Kenema launched

$61million WATSAN projects for Bo, Makeni and Kenema launched

$61million WATSAN projects for Bo, Makeni and Kenema launched

In a bid to address water and sanitation problems in three cities of over a million and half, the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources in partnership with the Sierra Leone Water Company and donor partners have launched a four years WATSAN project at the Miatta Conference Centre in Freetown.  (Photo: The high table at the launching ceremony  )

The project will provide pipe born water throughout the cities of Bo, Kenema and Makeni with the aim of assisting households with water and also provision of toilet facilities for schools, community centers, market places and motor parks.

The auspicious ceremony was witnessed by donors, government ministers, heads of local councils, paramount chiefs, civil society groups, the media and host of development partners and line ministries.

The three cities water and sanitation project is pioneered by the development oriented and innovative Ag Director General of the project implementation unit of the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources in partnership with the Sierra Leone Water Company (SALWACO) is line with the Government’s Agenda for Change.

The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources Reginald Thomas said the project is going to address water and sanitation problems in the three Provincial Towns across the Country.

In a power point presentation of an overview of the three cities water and sanitation project, Project Coordinator Dr. Joe Ben Davis said affected communities will be relocated and provided with alternative livelihoods.

He explained that the Government of Sierra Leone has already provided about one Billion Leones as counter funding for payment of compensation to project affected persons and other project costs which demonstrate commitment towards the successful implementation of the project.

Project Coordinator Dr. Joe Ben Davis explaining about the $61million WATSAN project for Bo, Kenema and Makeni during the launching ceremony on Monday 18th July 2011 at the Mitta Conference Hall

A grant of (US$ 42.1million) has also been secured from the African Development Fund (ADF) and a loan of (US$19million) from OPEC fund for International Development (OFID) totaling USD$61.1million.

The principal objective of the project according to the project Coordinator Dr. Joe Ben Davis is to improve the access to adequate, safe and reliable water supply and public sanitation services for the three cities, and to also enhance the institutional operational and management capabilities of the Sierra Leone Water Company as the main service provider.

Project Coordinator Dr. Joe Ben Davis also said that the project is going to increase national coverage of water from 33 percent to 75 percent  and sanitation from 33 percent to 39 percent  with the view to improving  access to adequate, safe and reliable water supply system for the three cities .

He added that 200 community members both male and females will be trained in hygiene and sanitation for effective management of the facilities thereby by ensuring sustenance of the project.

The Resident Representative of the African Development Bank (ADB)  Samuel Ofori Onwona said ADB conditionality’s on the project are good and bad and the bad thing is that rehabilitation of existing facilities is bad news if USD $ 61 million will be used on the project without sustenance and urged the government and its partners to sustain the project adding “Water flows but it costs huge money”

He also called for the adoption of a culture of maintenance by care takers and called for the independence of SALWACO operation and encouraged stakeholders to have a water reserve system in case of any difficulties or shortages in the future.

The Mayor of Makeni Moses Sesay said the WATSAN project is one of major projects initiated by local councils, and assured that the people of Makeni are committed and determined to support the projects for its successful implementation.

He also pointed out that Makeni is one of the fastest growing cities, that deserve better facilities according to the population and its social and economic activities.

The Paramount Chief of Bo District Francis Boima said the concept of WATSAN is laudable considering the high rate of water born diseases in communities and assured that the people of Bo are ready to pay for the cost of any WATSAN facility provided them.

Mayor of Kenema City Brima Kargbo said the water systems can also be managed by the local councils and that development among the three cities is paramount and expects that water and electricity are two development components that are needed badly by residents.

Professor Ogulande Davidson   Minister of Energy and Water Resources expressed thanks and appreciation to the donors and other partners for the improvement of water and sanitation in the country.

He stated that Mitering of water and electricity will be put in place to ensure payments for effective management and accountability of revenues generated on the sector.  He added that Electricity and water is a good business that generates income, “we have to account for water and ensure that the water is treated before distribution to achieve the MDG’s by 2015.

He went on further to state that plans are underway for finalizing the ‘water bill’ in a bid to formalize water management across the country. Additionally SALWACO is only operational in six Towns and expressed the need for the establishment of the Provincial Water Company as soon as possible.

Magboruka Porloko, Lunsar Rokupre, Kambia, Mile 91 and Yele water project are progressing whilst Moyamba, Pujehun and Kailahun water projects are also ongoing. The Minister stated.

He expressed thanks and appreciation to the donors and other partners including Resident Ministers and Local Councils and traditional chiefs for their support in making the project a reality and assured them of his ministry’s continued collaboration.

Delivering the keynote address and officially launching the project  on behalf of the President the Minister of Information and Communication Ibrahim Ben Kargbo said the WATSAN project is part of the Government’s Agenda of Change pointing out that the project is also a boost to institutional sanitation.

The provision of the facilities is in continuation of a nationwide water and sanitation programme in which smaller communities will also benefit and funding option for Segbwema and Mattru Jong is also underway.  He stated further that a National Water and Sanitation Policy will make facilities operational.

The Ag Director General Manager of SALWACO Victor Hastings- Spaine said “today is a red later day in the history of SALWACO after looking forward for so long in providing water and sanitation for three cities and other parts of the country has finally come to fruition.

He commended the donors and the government for the support and assured that the project will be implemented successfully according to the terms and agreements.

The launching was climaxed by the commencement of an intensive four days workshop for donors and stakeholders on the implementation of the project.

Saidu Bah

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