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Searchlight – 6/25/2011

Searchlight – 6/25/2011

NPA Criminal Syndicate Exposed

There are wicked workers at the National Power Authority (NPA) parading the streets in Freetown looking for people to give trouble to. The Searcher pictured them and will authoritatively tell you who these folks are.

Their mode of operation is simple. And this is how it works “a team of NPA electricians approaches customers at their homes, convince them do bypass to electricity connection.  U know what, my people – electricity consumed will at all not register to indicate dues owed or to be paid.

And in turn, you are expected to pay the NPA officials for helping you bypass legal consumption of power supply. Later, they will now inform other NPA workers of such happenings and the team will reach the house where such illegal connection is made, arrest and extort money at will. So, you have no option, but either pay lump sum amount or be criminally charged.

The Searcher is aware that a lot of unsuspecting consumers have fallen short of such dirty criminal behaviours and have ended in trouble or lost money.

The Searcher is advising all law abiding citizens of this country to arrest and hand over to the Police any NPA worker approaching them indulged into such unpatriotic act.

Is Speaker Abel Stronge himself not violating traffic rules

Clerk of Tribunal: (Reading topic of discussion). Nathaniel Abel Stronge, Speaker of Parliament versus Members of Sierra Leone Parliament.”

The Searching Man: “That you Nathaniel Abel Stronge, Speaker of the House of Parliament of the Republic of Sierra Leone is here before me charged by the Members of Parliament with the following offences:

(1)   that you talk to Parliamentarians like a Head Master talking to his school children –  wrong and out of date;  guilty.

(2)  that you unduly and illegally interfered into the work of the Clerk of Parliament, by single handedly nominating and approving Parliamentarians on travel trips to abroad countries; modest corruption.

(3)   that some Members of Parliament say you ought to be able to interpret the national constitution, but that you are now allegedly misleading the public on some provisions therein; no wonder then …

(4)   that your escort vehicle with government registration ‘SPK’ on a daily basis breaks traffic rules ‘allowing police escort hoots motorcycle unnecessarily’ to give way to your vehicle when there is traffic hold up- no, this is wrong man, and

(5)   that you have affronted the dignity of the sacred Parliament contrary to Section 95 and 100 of the Sierra Leone 1991 Constitution – they accused you of ignoring the plights of Members of Parliament by saying that there are no exceptions to traffic rules following Hon. Magnus Kallon detention by traffic police attached to the Eastern Police Station division Tuesday 21st for allegedly driving an unlicensed vehicle.

Guilty or not Mr. Speaker?”

Nathaniel Abel Stronge: (Fuming and foaming), “Ah yaa! You people really need to be disciplined like school children.

And let me tell you one thing. Before I leave this Parliament, I am going to train you up to have respect for your elders.

Look; didn’t you know that as Speaker, I am the Number Three Man in the political hierarchy of this country – after the President and the Vice President it is me?

The Searcher or whatever name you give him is a very powerful man.

The Searching Man: “Ladies and gentlemen, I am very sorry, but under this unfortunate circumstance I have to adjourn the Tribunal to Monday, 27th June, 2011.”

Clerk of Tribunal: All rise! Come back here on Monday, 27th. June, 2011.

The people rise and disperse.

Good folks, talk to The Searching  Man on

076 889156    or     033 307473.

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