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Honesty and common sense in developing Sierra Leone‏ instead of unnecessary gimmicks about oil prices

Honesty and common sense in developing Sierra Leone‏ instead of unnecessary gimmicks about oil prices

There are times when the truth should prevail over falsehood.  In the race of the world simulate two persons one as truth and the other as falsehood, truth walks, and falsehood runs faster but in the end truth prevails as the winner.  Sierra Leone is at the crossroad of choosing its path or final destiny for the next generations and it is incumbent on every Sierra Leonean to be part of this exercise so as to contribute genuinely to development of the country. It is therefore important that during this exercise we all do a thorough self soul searching devoid of any hypocrisy and move on with our lives peacefully.  If we fail in delivering the proper goods of honesty transparency and loyalty to Mama Salone God forbid it, we will have ourselves to be blamed again.  (Photo: Dr. Augustine Kamara, author)

Some of us are in our forties, fifties, sixties, seventies and nineties thanks be to God, we survived the critical age of longevity of 47 years, set for Sierra Leone by international standards, that means we are the lucky or fortunate ones and should be in a better position to plan and guide our children or younger generation for a better tomorrow. It took us fifty years to wake up from our slumber and to realize that we have not done enough in our development as compared to the rest of the world. However it is better to look forward with optimism and bury our ugly past.

Many genuine Sierra Leoneans are doing their best by contributing genuinely in different ways to the healing process and the rebuilding of our Nation, unfortunately there are some of us that ought to know better but rather choose to do otherwise by inciting, provoking situation or rather trying to open old wounds that would lead to mutiny.   Never again will this happen in Sierra Leone-AMEN.  Please let us use our common senses and avoid circumstances that would lead to chaos.  The world around us is a changing world and adaptation is a must.  Let us don’t expect that the manner would come from heaven to feed us.  I feel sorry by saying this but this is the blatant truth in our conscious of conscious. 

We have paid less attention to our agriculture over the years paying more attention to the quick fix of either illicit mining or small scale mining or depending on handouts. During the war, serious agricultural activities were absent, it is however gratifying to note that plans have been put on the ground to improving agriculture.  Rice our staple food would soon be an exporting commodity which would be a plus for the Nation.  Now established, is the First step an introduction to our food exporting industry.  Is this not another milestone of progress for Mama Salone?  The Bumbuna hydro and other related power like solar energy is another plus for Mama Salone.  What about the gigantic strides made towards the health sector, a remarkable decision taken by President Koroma in the continent of Africa- a free medical service for mothers and children under five years age group, these are positive changes worth talking about even though the pace of service is slow, yet it has already been established and it is improving the lives of many in the child and maternal health services and hence its vital statistics.

Education too is improving in the form of international technology.  Many patriotic Sierra Leoneans like Dr Paul Dennis Kamara’s IAMTEC of St. Clements University in Kissy dockyard is improving the lives of many in the country.  IPAM is another powerful institution that is contributing immensely to the progress and needs of Mama Salone.  The big news of the iron ore being the largest deposit in the world is already solving immensely the problem of unemployment in the country.  Other minerals around the country will soon make Mama Salone to be self sufficient and would need no foreign aid.  All these and more are a big blessing for Mama Salone that is worth to talk about instead of using the oil prices to anger the public because of negative thoughts and hatred. There are changes we have to work on definitely but before I do, let me remind our readers the causes of the hike in oil prices because when we say it is a global issue this has been misconstrued by others .So the causes are still due to global issues there is no legal thought about it. The first cause is due to the ongoing crisis in the middle east and North Africa, this is similar as in the past, secondly it is due to the high demand of the two industrial giants of China and India, thirdly because of the high demand proprietors do hoard the commodity in question and thereby release it by a higher margin cost. 

In order to solve this problem government should increase more outlets in the future to avoid over-queuing in the future. There should be clarity, as to why events occur.  Coming back to change, it takes some time for any change to be adopted.  Again as Sierra Leoneans let us learn to adopt patience; this is a sacred virtue that is lacking in our midst.  The greatest thing to manage is the expectation of some of us and we should expect good returns from well planned events and that is what our government is doing right now.  Development is going on at all fronts of our Nation’s history and will soon bear fruits.  With patience let us give our leaders thumbs up and usher them to do more and those among them that still want to promote corruption should be removed and held accountable and to pay dearly. 

The Anti Corruption’s strength is growing day by day to reduce the evil disease of corruption that has eaten up the fabric of our development.  However, it will take some time to reach acceptable world standards.  The governments is doing its best but needs to do more in curbing corruption and have more transparency.   With this stance, Mama Salone will catch up with world standards in our development.  So far if we compare events of past government, Dr Earnest Koroma’s government is doing well with an increase in vital statistics of development of our country.  Our colonial master, Great Britain, has endorsed her satisfaction towards the development of the country and has pledged to give continuous vital support towards education health and security.  I think we should be grateful and continue to have faith and work earnestly towards a positive end. 

We have to highlight our successes this is what we call common sense that will spur us to work more for better results. To our leader it is the public view that HE. President Koroma is honest, kind and hard working and has the country at heart  but very lenient and the public do understand this constraint is due to the process of healing and nation building.  However, it is hoped that sooner or later the president’s kindness should not be seen as a weakness to be held against him and that his agenda for change would succeed in curtailing the increasing corruption that is still held on to by unpatriotic officials and WHEN THAT IS DONE THE DETRACTORS THOUGH THEY HAVE NEVER DONE BETTER WOULD DISAPPEAR FROM THE .SCENE. 

As we point our forefinger dear readers, let us see how many fingers point at us? Some of us have left the shores of Sierra Leone ages ago and in our imagination of our wildest dreams or wishes, make unnecessary remarks and while others are making meaningful contributions to improve Sierra Leone.  Some of us downplay those progresses and this is unacceptable. From time to time it will be good for some of us to visit our motherland and see for ourselves what improvement have been done and what needs more to be done and perhaps give our meaningful support. Sometimes living in fantasy or euphoria does not work; we have to live in reality.  The present axiomatic thinking of our government’s ideology is right let us all put our hands together to let mama Salone progress.

By Dr. Augustine A. Kamara, Virginia, USA

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  • Dr Kamara, it is wonderful that you take your time to express your thoughts about our mama Salone. I agree with you to a certain extent, but at the end of your piece I realize that you are still oblivious to critical issues in mama Salone. Why do you think that we have woken up from our slumber NOW? is this because Salone has celebrated its 50th. anniversary? This by itself is meant for all to reflect more that celebrate with pomp, gore and glory.Like you mentioned in your piece, about some being very lucky to be alive, I count myself to be extremely lucky. I was born in mama Salone and as a child went true fear through out my childhood.I actually have nothing that I can say my governments did for me compared to my contemporaries from other countries. We are not poor, period. Do I forget what happened to me and other friends?? Nope. I have forgiven but will never forget. Pointedly, do I clap with my feet because the ruling party is fixing Wilkinson road, or because Bumbuna is 14% complete? No sir ! At my age some news do not mean anything to me, because the damage done is seemingly irreparable. Just a point of correction, the agenda for change is a UNDP phase 2 dream not the ruling party’s. It will be admirable if they see it through, but if you want to praise someone for it go back to the reckless SLPP. These people are all on the same page but different books.
    What I mean here is that No one must extol praises on these political harlots, we must keep them on their toes. They have directly or indirectly recked that country, so if we cannot get rid of them we must push them to make amends. Being impressed with mediocrity or substandard performance is not acceptable.Except if you are benefiting from it or you want to.

    This may be controversial to you but, never should we use GDP to measure how well our people are doing. These figures are not only cooked but, even if they are correct, it takes years if not decades for the benefit to reach the man in the street. So, your pointers are wrong. If you do not trust me but care, call your brothers today, and ask for the price of food stuff. See the % increase brother just for the past 6 months or less.

    Lonta, The Sheriff

    19th May 2011

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