Muslims in Nigeria pray for Sierra Leone
Sierra Leonean representatives of the Muslim faith from ten States of the Federal Republic of Nigeria including Lagos, Ibadan, Osun, Oyo, Niger, Nassarawa, Kogi, Port-Harcourt, Plateau State – Jos and Kadunaled by Head of Chancery Mr. Duwai S. Lungay, joined their Sierra Leonean and Nigerian Muslim counterparts at the Central Mosque in the Federal Capital Territory of Abuja Friday to thank Allah almighty for enabling Sierra Leoneans celebrate their Golden Jubilee (50 years) Independence Anniversary.
In his Friday khutbah (Sermon) during Jummat service chief Imam of Abuja central Mosque Sheik Musa Mohammad spoke on the relationship between the two Countries and said it spans across Religious, Political, and Economic ties.
He said the two countries have many things in common and the history of the duo, clearly provide an idea about the other.
The Chief Imam who based his sermon on Chapter “83:1 – 83:36 of the Holy Al – Quran, titled “Al-Mutaffifin”: “The Cheaters” chided business people of all class for creating hardship for people of any country.
Quoting 83:1, Chief Imam Sheik Musa Mohammed said the Holy Al-Quran cursed defrauders, and compared the relevant authorities of the Al- Quran 83:2 and 83:3 (“when Those who take the measure from mankind demand it full, but if they measure unto them or weigh for them, they cause them loss.83:4 Do such men not consider that they will be again unto an awful day, the day when all mankind stand before the lord of the Worlds? Nay, but the record of the vile is in sijjin.
He said the people referenced in the Holy Al-Quran, undermines the effective running, of any government.

r- Pasco Gerald Temple, Duwai S Lungay, Chief Imam Sheik Musa Mohammad granting an interview after Juma service
Chief Imam Sheik Musa Mohammad called on those guilty of such acts to repent and change for the better to enable them receives the blessings and salvation of Almighty Allah the Greatest.
He called for a minute silent prayer for the dead particularly those who died during the decade old war in Sierra Leone and those affected by post elections violence in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
A Muslim Psalm: Suratul Maidah and many other Rabannahs’ were recited in respect of President Ernest Bai Koroma, the Government and People of Sierra Leone.

Chief Imam and Executives praying for Sierra Leone after a meeting with Christians at the boardroom of the Central Mosque
After the Jummat (14hrs.GMT) prayers, the Chief Imam and executive officers including the Executive secretary of the Abuja Central Mosque, Ibrahim Jega, Director of Administration Abdul Karim and a host of others welcomed a group of Sierra Leoneans who were in the company of Sierra Leone High Commissioner to the Federal Republic of Nigeria H. E. Henry O Macauley at the boardroom within the National Mosque precinct, reminisced and prayed for President Ernest Bai Koroma, his Government and People of Sierra Leone. The Chief Imam also offered a special prayer for H.E. High Commissioner Henry O. Macauley.
Pasco Gerald Temple, Information Attache, Sierra Leone High Commission, Abuja, Nigeria
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