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HomePoliticsCity Council Chops Le 151,000,000 Steals Tricycle…

City Council Chops Le 151,000,000 Steals Tricycle…

City Council Chops Le 151,000,000 Steals Tricycle…

A letter written by officials attached to the ‘cabinet’ at City Council unveils how Le151.000.000.00 was chopped and a tricycle filched.  (Photo: Mayor Herbert Williams)

It is disclosed also that tied government grants were untied and used corruptly, monies tied into government grants worth over five hundred thousand pounds.

Speculations have it that City Council’s Chief Administrator, Bowenson Philips and Mayor Herbert Williams, conspiratorially untied government grants for their selfish and unscrupulous ambitions.

Facts, as in letter written by cabinet, gives a mental picture that monies in coffers of City Council has been swindled by unwholesome cabal of persons at the forenamed council.

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