Street Talent Productions presents “Street Talent”: Hip Hop from Freetown, Sierra Leone
UK, Monday 20th September 2010; Street Talent Productions, in association with 24 Hour Trading Ltd, is proud to announce the release of the self-titled album “Street Talent” – a hip hop album fusing soulful lyrics, African melodies and hot new talents from the capital of Sierra Leone.
The man behind the album is “Paps”. He lives in Freetown on £1 a day and yet no charities or NGO’s were involved in the production of the album. Street Talent Productions is a business which seeks to use its revenue to re-invest in new artistic talents of all varieties in Sierra Leone.
The album has several upbeat party tracks, including “Brown Skin Girl”, which has had over 11,000 views on Youtube and is the perfect addition to any Saturday night dance floor. The reggaeton beats and catchy hooks, mean this is a favourite download among fans.
Sierra Leone”s troubled recent history still infuses the album with heartfelt lyrics threaded through “Longtime”, “Lost One” and “Nor Cry”. The distinctive sound of Sierra Leone – or “Salone” to its inhabitants – pervades the album and provides a refreshing alternative to current chart trends.
Linda Haywood, Director, 24 Hour Trading Ltd – Making the Internet Finer
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