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HomePoliticsThe SLPP opposition – a thorn in the flesh of the APC

The SLPP opposition – a thorn in the flesh of the APC

The SLPP opposition – a thorn in the flesh of the APC

Moijueh Kaikai the current APC minister of Labour and Industrial relations was formerly a very active member of the UK branch of the Sierra Leone People’s Party. He left the party because he could not see eye to eye with his colleagues on the executive on many issues. The reason he gave was that the party was not focused. I challenged him on his allegation citing the many examples of how the party was not only well focused but one that had a vision for this country for the next 25 years. (Photo: Dr. Sama Banya)

The party as the government of the day had much to its credit in terms of development and the general welfare of the people achievements on which the APC is building. Those achievements and our plans are still very relevant today and that is the reason we can stand up to the ruling APC and ask what they are talking.

It is in the same vein that we answer the anti SLPP propagandists who continuously allege that we were kicked out of office because we didn’t work in the interest of the people. We have persistently retorted that in their own hearts the APC and its propagandists must know that WE WERE CHEATED ON THE RESULTS by Christiana Thorpe.

Chernor Ojuku Sesey who went through the back door to a diplomatic post in Brussels may write whatever he wishes, but that is a fact. It is the same Ojuku Sesey along with Seaga Shaw who was a strong advocate and propagandist for the AFRC when it overthrew the democratically elected SLPP government of President Ahmad Tejan-Kabbah. Types like him have no moral authority to speak about democracy or constitutional matters. We accept that he has to work for having being smuggled into the diplomatic field.

The minister of education Minkailu Bah has tried to dismantle all that Alpha Wurie had put together but has achieved nothing other than that he being a human being is spending all his energy in chasing GHOSTS – Ghost schools, ghost teachers, ghost school inspectors, ghost college buildings, ghost ADB and IDB projects.

Because of the high caliber of its Parliamentarians, even in opposition the SLPP has always been focused and vibrant, addressing issues on matters with a clear understanding of the principles involved.

I well remember that after the 1977 Parliamentary elections, the party with barely 12 MPs under the dynamic leadership of Maada Jusu-Sheriff was often more than a match to many a government MP. This was particularly demonstrated in the debate on the introduction of the one-party constitution in which they went down fighting.

The tendency has continued under the leadership of Momoh Pujeh and Emmanuel Tommy in Parliament and the astute leadership of John Benjamin, Kadi Sesey, JJ Siaffa and other members of the executive.

Most members and supporters of the APC had hoped and expected that the SLPP would by now be disorganized, demoralized and in a confused so as not to matter any longer. On the contrary, look at the quality of their contribution to debates in Parliament or to their general declarations and press releases. They not only make sense but they are widely acclaimed.

There is a remarkable degree of confidence in ourselves which seems to be permeating the electorate in general. We speak on issues with thorough understanding an d continue to stick pins in the propaganda rhetoric of the ruling party so as to deflate their initial overconfidence in holding on to power “for the next 40 years.”  In the midst of their anxiety now are repeated stories of corruption, nepotism, and misrule coupled with a new tendency of stabbing each other in the back.

I am sure that many of those who advocated regime change must be wondering whether the current administration is the only substitute available. The remarkable situation is that while all this is going on, flatterers and sycophants continue to disillusion poor Mr. President that there will never be any one else other than him; but silently, many confess that things have not turned out the way they should. To them I say, “You ain’t seen nothing yet,” with apologies to my Mrs. Mudge. Not until the clock begins to tick ominously come 2011.

Would someone do the managing editor of the African Champion a favour once more telling him that there is a world of difference between a qualified editor and a charlatan?  For who but a novice at the job would declare that the UN had lost confidence in the SLPP at a time when his patrons had not fully recovered from the blunder of the Presidential press secretary over a statement that he attributed to the UN Secretary-General. But does the leadership care, as long as the fellow continues to sing the praise of Obai.

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  • When will all Sierra Leaneans rise above tribalism, praise singing, jelousy and pettiness? Our people are suffering and the few that are enjoying under the current APC are jubulating!

    I pray to see the day when Sierra Leoneans will think and feel that we belong to one country.

    President Koroma is call a redeemer but I honestly believe he is nepotic and tribalistic.

    He is a fine man but he is just a President of the few. I hope 2012 will bring a new hope to our poor and suferring people.

    4th July 2010
  • pa who, Ernest is better than you talking lot by far .Like I always say fool your people. Actually am beginning to think they have being fooled enough because they can sense of desperation in you and your cohort . Under the GREAT ERNEST BAI KOROMA ,the Saviour , the redeemer , the magnificent we are hopeful and the ordinary people are seeing, sense of belonging . There is light under the tunnel and it is flashing . so go to hell with your sabotage rancors .
    God bless His Excellency the Redeemer Ernest Bai Koroma . God bless Sierra Leone.

    2nd July 2010

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