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May 2012

Sierra Leone and the People’s Republic of China have embarked on efforts aimed at further strengthening not just people-to-people and government-to-government diplomacy, but to also strengthen the political diplomacy between the two countries. This was

The Sierra Leone National team, Leone Stars will on Tuesday May 22 engage their Iraq opponents at the Olympic Stadium, Istanbul, Turkey. The team arrived in Istanbul on Sunday night with 19 home based players who

Thursday 17 March was a rainy day in Athens’ Panathinaiko Stadium as the Olympic Torch passed from the people of Greece to the British organisers of the 2012 London Olympic Games. That afternoon the President of

From time immemorial there have been wars, and conflicts in every continent in the world, some arising from internal differences and others inflicted by greater powers from outside.  There was always a desire by others

As he continues his tour of Continental Europe Rtd. Brigadier Julius Maada Bio on Sunday morning met with the Sierra Leone Fullah Progressive Union (FPU), one of the most powerful Sierra Leonean groups in Holland.

President Ernest Bai Koroma as a panacea for sustainable socio-economic development of Sierra Leone. When he assumed office in 2007, he promised to restore electricity to Freetown, once shamefully dubbed the darkest Capital City in

Former Head of State and Flag bearer of the main opposition Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP ), Rtd. Brigadier Julius Maada Bio, accompanied by a high powered delegation from the Netherlands started his tour of

HE President Ernest Bai Koroma, as part of his visit to the Bumbuna Community, also paid an on-the-spot visit to the African Minerals Limited operation facility at Ferengbaia.  (Photo:  AML General Manager Jan Jansen greeting

Whether we are aware of it or not, like it or not, can repudiate it or not, globalization has arrived in Sierra Leone. An attempt to repudiate it is bereft of the answer by now.

After Sierra Leone gained independence from the colonialism of the British on 27th April 1961, the country had been governed by many leaders, some were appointed, elected, and others captured power forcefully.  Most of the

Sierra Leone's football league resumed on Friday, less than a week after suspending operations because of a shortage of funds. League chairman Victor Lewis said that generosity from those close to the game has enabled

Washington, DC, Thursday May 17th, 2012: Honouring an invitation to view the launching of the Africa Film Series, His Excellency Mr. Bockari Kortu Stevens joined his colleagues and hundreds of other people from all walks

No one knows better than the students of the Njala campus in Bo town, how the SLPP party can coin words such as “Projects are in the pipeline” to evade suspicion over their ineptitude and

The First Lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Mrs. Sia Nyama Koroma (in photo) on Saturday 12th May, 2012 commissioned the Allen Town bus stop, constructed by one of the APC aspirants in Constituency

The Sierra Leone Road Transport Authority (SLRTA) and stakeholders in the transport sector on Thursday 17th May, 2012 distributed to among others the police, traffic wardens, drivers and the Passenger Welfare Association, the 2011 Road