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June 2011

The National President for Anti Violence Movement S/L, Imran B. Koroma Monday 6th was at Government Model Secondary School to admonish pupils on issues of violence. In his statement, he acknowledged the presence of teachers

The Gulf of Guinea has emerged as the second largest pool of commercial petroleum resources in the world and recently surpassed the Persian Gulf as America’s largest supplier of crude oil. African oil tends to

Five persons have been served with “orders in lieu of an indictment” charging them with contempt of court under Rule 77(A) of the Rules. They are alleged to have interfered with Prosecution witnesses who testified in

This class will be interesting today because we shall be discussing journalists’ integrity as they go gather and report the news. And you must not forget that integrity cuts across trustworthiness, honesty, uprightness and truthfulness. You report

The Sierra Leone Broadcasting Cooperation (SLBC) is to pay Rokel Commercial Bank a sum totaling Le 3 billion. Findings have it that the SLBC, on number of occasions, use its overdraft facility to withdraw colossal amounts

Scores of lawn tennis players Saturday 4th were at the opening of a magnificently constructed modern tennis court at Malama in the west end of Freetown.  The financier and brain child of the constructed project,

The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Dr. Soccoh Kabia has described illegal fishing as one of the main challenges facing the fisheries sector in Sierra Leone.  (Photo: Perm. Sec. Kemokai (left) Dr. Kabia (centre)

The Hummel sportswear company representative in Sierra Leone, Frederic Claye has told sports writers in Freetown that the outfit is set to promote the 4-4-2 football formula of the game. Claye told reporters that Hummel is

The 1st Africa Fisheries and Aquaculture Summit is an annual event that sets to create a platform that brings together various Fisheries and aquaculture experts and practitioners from Africa to look at sustainable ways that

Several major drugs companies have announced big cuts to the amounts they charge for their vaccines in the developing world.  The vaccines will be sold at a price that covers the drugmakers' costs GlaxoSmithKline (GSK),

Leone Stars Head coach Lars Olof Mattson (in photo)  revealed to Sierra Express Sports that his side lost many chances against the Mena Stars of Niger in the home side’s Saturday June 4 encounter in

Five persons have been served with “orders in lieu of an indictment” charging them with contempt of court under Rule 77(A) of the Rules. They are alleged to have interfered with Prosecution witnesses who testified

The world's worst food security crisis is continuing in the eastern Horn of Africa, a US agency has warned. The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (Fewsnet) said areas of particular concern were in Ethiopia, Kenya and

Freetown, 6th June 2011 — A three day workshop on Electoral Operational Planning organized by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), under its Global Programme for Electoral Cycle Support (GPECS), held at the Taia Resort Hotel

Last year former CEO, founder and major shareholder of London Stock Exchange-listed African Medical Investments (AMI), Dr. Vivek Solanki (in photo), was accused of financial fraud and use of illegal Yellow fever vaccines ATLANTA, U.S.-- The chairman of AMI, Mr. Phil Edmonds, a former England cricket player