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I am writing as a concerned health practitioner having recently witnessed health care practices that I leave to you to judge their impact on the many efforts on

Freetown, Mar. 21, 014 (SLENA) - The Sustainable Nutrition and Agricultural Promotion Programme (SNAP) has donated 22,000 Long Lasting Insecticide Nets to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation

As many as one in two children under the age of five admitted into children’s wards in Sierra Leone have been there as a result of severe malaria.

Mosquitoes can rapidly develop resistance to bed nets treated with insecticide, a new study from Senegal suggests.  (Photo: The mosquito transmits malaria to humans ) In recent years the

British Minister for International Development, Stephen O’Brien MP (in photo), arrived in Sierra Leone on Thursday 29th July 2010 in the first visit to Sierra Leone by a

On the 7th June 2010 in an interview with the acting Managing Director of the Malaria Control Programme Mr. Jack Lansana, he stated to this press that by

UNICEF Sierra Leone has said in Freetown that Malaria emergency is bound to shoot up owing to the fact that the number of treated bed nets needed to