AMI hospital evicted in Harare
Court in Harare ruled that African Medical Investments (AMI Plc) acted improperly and have been ordered to vacate the premises from which they had fraudulently and violently taken from Dr Solanki. Solanki was despoiled of his Trauma Centre Hospital which he had been operating for the past 16 years in July of 2010. Solanki brought an action of Expoliation to the Courts which was granted today in Harare.
Harare, 11 October 2011. Dr. Vivek Solanki, renowned medical Doctor and entrepreneur, continues his battle against his ex-partners over ownership of Trauma Center Hospital in Belgravia. Solanki presented his case in court last week, reclaiming ownership of the hospital he built and managed over the past 16 years. The case is against the directors of African Medical Investments (AMI Plc), Solanki’s ex-partners namely Andrew Groves, Phillipe Edmonds (British Citizens), Joseph Cleverdon (American Citizen) and Managers Jeremy Sanford, Peter Annesley, Peter Botha, Liz Gordon, Rodrique Mlauzi, Butch Rodrigues, Brett Windstone, Neil Clayton, Wayne Stolts, Paul Stevenson amongst others who tried to fraudulently appropriate the business and assets using intimidation, violence and contacts in the CID and CIO of Zimbabwe. Majority of who are Rhodesians with military and police backgrounds. The major shareholder and backer is American Billionaire Philip Falcone who has recently tried to get in to African continent with his businesses. The mentioned are also involved in various “mining operations” under London Stock Exchange (LSE) listed Sable Mining Africa Ltd.
The Court has heard the case which is the first of many to come against AMI Plc, its Directors and Managers. This epic battle has been ongoing for several months with AMI trying to fraudulently criminalize and defame Dr Solanki in the press. Under a management agreement, Dr. Solanki teamed with a group of investors to build hospitals across Africa and manage existing clinics in South Africa and Zimbabwe, in exchange for shares of publicly traded company AMI Plc. After building new hospitals in Dar es Salaam, Maputo and Harare plus a clinic in Cape Town in short period of 18 months, Dr. Solanki clashed with AMI PLC directors Andrew Groves and Phil Edmonds over alleged money laundering and falsification of documents and overpricing the purchase of personal private Jet by Andrew Groves all of which were condoned by AMI directors.
“I removed myself from direct involvement in AMI PLC to avoid participating in activities which I deemed fraudulent and illegal” explains Solanki. “That’s when the personal attacks, intimidations, defamation, criminalization and other unorthodox tactics began against me. That’s why I’m challenging in court – through established legal channels – “mine and my manager’s Civil rights were abused and the physical and mental abuse and attacks we’ve faced including those against our families.” Solanki went on to state that “all forces and powers have been mobilized to stop this blatant disregard for the Law by AMI Directors and its subordinates in the process of stealing my Medical business… it’s only because of their political contacts in Zimbabwe they have managed to avoid arrests and continue to be protected.” The American and British Governments have placed sanctions on Zimbabwe primarily because of human rights abuses and disregard for rule of law and civil rights, yet their own citizens conducting business here are committing even worse violations. Its quite ironic that AMI is being represented by a prominent human rights lawyer, Mrs Betrice Mutetwa.
AMI PLC management furthermore illegally seized what was one of Dr. Solanki’s flagship projects, the Trauma Center in Belgravia, Harare including his personal possessions such as household furniture, motor vehicles and religious artifacts. In recognition of Solanki’s claims, an eviction notice was served last Tuesday to those currently occupying the hospital illegally and the order granted today.
Finally, Solanki will be challenging the libelous allegations which appeared in the press in the past months at the instigation of his ex-partners at AMI PLC. Claims of pending Interpol arrest warrants and absconding, for example, are being de facto proved false by Solanki’s presence in court last week. Solanki has been in Zimbabwe for several months defending and fighting for his rights and return of his Medical business and other personal assets.
Dr. Vivek Solanki is a well renowned, Zimbabwe born and raised medical doctor. With entrepreneurial spirit he has established several clinics, hospitals and medical centers throughout Zimbabwe and Africa. In Harare, he is well known for having established the Baines Emergency Clinic, the Well Woman Clinic, the Trauma Center, Parkview Hospital and five rural clinics for the Ministry of Health. He has also established and managed medical structures in South Africa, Mozambique, Kenya, Tanzania and Bahrain. To date, he has built 23 centers all of which successful and still operating.
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