Sierra Leoneans let us avoid corruptive jingoism and destructive criticism
Ruefully, I murmured to myself while thinking of my primary school days, what creeps into my mind was a part I played in a concert featuring BOMBER BILLY in ‘VERONICA MY DAUGHTER’ Life could be interesting and I suddenly remembered my early St. Francis Secondary School days in Makeni town, and my P.E. teacher Mr. Ernest Kamara commonly known as ‘ORCOMO’. I started debating to myself from which party I learnt most hilarious words. As a P.E teacher ‘ORCOMO sustained an injury, and walked with a limp next day to school. When asked if he had broken his bones? He replied ‘Oh no! Don’t put my mind under perturbation as I was descending from a declivity yesterday with such an excessive velocity I suddenly lost the center of my gravity and was precipitated on the macadamized thorough fare. (Photo: Dr. Augustine A Kamara, author)
Earlier the character Bomber Billy had sensitized my vocabulary by telling Harry ‘Hey! Harry just look at your proud sister dancing at the tune of acrobatic jingoism.” At another instance, Bomber Billy demonstrated his anger by saying ‘don’t try to promultugate your exhorditation while articulating your superficial sentimentality and amicable, beware of platitudeness and pondorosity and learn to respect my integrity.” ORCOMO of the commodity will not stand by and let Bomber Billy do the entire bombastic rap; he came up to tell his students.”
I don’t care what the medical officer said but I am assuring you that, this is nothing but a concified agency an anti-posmodical producing nothing but voscandum miscandum and tiscorno, this medicine that I have in hand is called the grand electrical hortorical demonscandum, which cures all disease incident to humanity. Having shared that humor, I am not in the least oblivious of the fact that OMFA- OLD MAKENI FRANCISCAN ASSOCIATION has lost a pillar in the United states, and I am sure while we think of the good old days we will remember our brother WUSUM KAMARA and pray for his soul and of all the faithfully departed Amen, As one of my seniors he is one the most peaceful and gentlemen of his kind. Paradoxical writing is not in my creed but sometimes we need to educate, and entice our young generation in this healing process of our nation, especially those that are born outside Sierra Leone to have a gist of imagination of what and how Sierra Leone is. This will help to captivate their minds and develop interest in learning of their land and help in luring their contribution to their mother land. While also begging the living satanic personnel in our midst to remain peaceful and change of attitude and join the wagon of progress of Sierra Leone because there is nothing like aggressive or warlike patriotism anymore in Sierra Leone.
At a time when our benevolent leader’s name stands lofty in the world today, that makes every Sierra Leonean to be proud. Unfortunately some Sierra Leoneans pay a blind eye to that truth. We will make a sad mistake because of the schism that is created by political affiliations to drag ourselves to any form of negativity. The wicked and malicious lies and criticisms sometimes directed to our fellow Sierra Leoneans holding public office even though the government is doing well as evidence by the watchful eye of the world bodies should be avoided or stop. Let criticisms be real. Before criticizing others why can’t we look at ourselves first and see what we are before referring to others. Some of us have held positions of trust and have desecrated the sanctities of those duties. It is therefore high time we stop hypocrisy and take rightful positions to compliment in nation building. The momentum of the wind of positive change in Sierra Leone today is unparalleled as opposed to the negative winds of changes in other parts of the world. Sierra Leoneans should be thankful to God, who knows and sees everything, even our most secret thoughts. Is this not a blessing in disguise?
My dear brothers and sisters Sierra Leoneans we do not need to hear it from the pulpit or the mimba, the true God of heaven and earth or the Allah almighty has opened the doors of heaven to Sierra Leone. The Lord Almighty was waiting for a suitable driver to steer the wagon of Sierra Leone to success. We pray God continue to make his revelations so that the one time considered failed state would be among the giants of world economies. The ship is ready to sail one final call, one captain, get your ticket for the development of Sierra Leone and join Dr Earnest Bai Koroma for nation building and progressive and attitudinal change.
By Dr. Augustine A. Kamara, Virginia, US
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