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Minister of Internal Affairs Tag


It is often said that in life, one can either “Fail to Plan” or “Plan to Fail”; but the Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon Musa Tarawally, is not

Chernor Dumbuya popularly known as ‘People’s Honourable’ Tuesday 20th complained to Central Police that he was attacked by thugs of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon Musa Tarawally, 

‘Hurray’ southerners shout, giving an indication that the outgone Resident Minister south, Hon. Musa Tarawallie, was an icon to them. Saturday 8th January 2011, witnessed hundreds of southerners

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon. Musa Tarawallie (preceding resident Minister South), bids farewell to Southerners.  (Photo:  l-r National Secretary General APC Victor Bockarie Foe and Internal Affairs

The newly appointed Minister of Internal Affairs Saturday spent his day at the Central Prison supervising the setting up of data and head count verification of inmates. Minister Tarawallie

May I start by saying that, what is about to happen in Binkolo is not good news, taking into account the fact that the people in that part