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In Geneva: The World Unites Against Ebola

In Geneva: The World Unites Against Ebola

Young Leaders attending the Global Shapers Annual Curators meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, has called on world leaders to give the Ebola outbreak in West Africa an urgent attention.

The delegates who are also known as Curators for the Global Shapers Community agreed on several action points on their effort to fight the continued spread of the deadly disease.

Gwendolyn Myers, a Liberian Curator of the Global Shapers, spearheaded a campaign calling on members of the Community to join efforts in fighting the deadly disease in the region. Myers with Murtala Mohamed Kamara, Curator for the Freetown Hub, actively pushed the campaigns forward.

After several online meetings leading to the Annual Curators Meeting here in Geneva, as well as other meetings at the ACM, the group agreed that the community must act.

In one meeting here in Geneva, Myers almost broke down in tears trying to convince other members of his community to act.

Murtala Mohamed Kamara told the group in that meeting that they must speak to world leaders to act. Kamara said he was not convinced that much effort was being done by world leaders to curb the disease, and he therefore appealed to the community to make their voices heard. Other members also made their contributions and the group agreed in a consensus that they must act.

The Global Shapers did a video with over 300 of their members from almost every nation on earth, calling on world leaders to act against the spread of the disease. The video is expected to be out in the coming days and will be available far and wide.

A statement which was written by Gwendolyn and released by Chidiogo on behalf of the community, it reads:

“The Ebola Virus Disease in some West African Countries of Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone is unprecedented. While this is our emergency, it should be given global attention. It is on the above premise that Global Shapers from Africa plan to establish an “Ebola Trust Fund” that would support a global education and advocacy campaign to “Halt Ebola”. The focus of the campaign would be three fold: to develop educational messages & video on prevention and control methods through mobilization of young people and organizations utilizing traditional and non-traditional communication medium, advocate to accelerate the production of experimental medicines so as to find an immediate cure for Ebola, medical and hygienic supplies and deal with the issues of discrimination, stigma and fear. A proposal would be in place soon,” the release states.

The deadly Ebola outbreak has so far claimed the lives of over 1200 people in West Africa. The worst hit countries are Liberia and Sierra Leone where Myers and Kamara hailed from. The two countries are still recording new Ebola cases despite efforts to contain it.

Murtala Mohamed Kamara

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