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Need to launder Julius Maada Bio’s records

Need to launder Julius Maada Bio’s records

Freetown, Sierra Leone – Current documents circulating the news corridor contain allegations that the current flag bearer of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) is wrapped in some passport deals which Dr. Abass Bundu officially sold to foreign Chinese nationals who were using Sierra Leonean passports as emblem of convenience.  (Photo: SLPP flag bearer Julius Maada Bio)

The deal according to the documents, earned the government a substantial amount and part of its proceeds went to line the personal pockets of Captain Valentine Strasser, the then Head of State, Julius Maada Bio his substantive deputy, and Dr. Abass Bundu the then Foreign Affairs Minister.

Facts contained in these documents named certain account numbers outside Sierra Leone where the current flag bearer of the SLPP, Julius Maada Bio is having reserves of over $50,000 in the Canary Islands.

According to what we understand so far, the passport deal was a short cut way the NPRC regime used to raise money for the import of a cache of arms and ammunition since the country was reeling under an economic embargo as a result of the illegitimate seizure of power by the junta guys.

The government at the time could not export or transact any viable commodity because Sierra Leone’s GDP per capita was nothing to write home about, so they needed to explore every possible means and made money in such ways. According to our findings the NPRC used part of the proceeds from these passport sales to pay government workers, civil servants, and all.

What is baffling is the personal baggage in cash the three top personalities accrued on personal notes through corrupt means.  This is where the argument is standing tall.  The rhetoric implies why a man who has amassed wealth through nefarious means should not be investigated and subjected to scrutiny if possible to account for Sierra Leoneans monies he converted into his personal wealth and use.

We demand a thorough investigation into this saga and urge that if Maada Bio and others named in the documents are found wanting they should be brought to book and face the full wrath of the law of the land.

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